Chapter 19: Investigation

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Third Person

Cecilia walks around the mansion by herself, looking for Cloud’s room. It’s been a few days since...since the incident with Agent 3 and barely anyone has seen Cloud come out of his room. Cecilia manages to find his room and knocks on the door softly. She wants to make sure he’s ok...well. As ok as he can be. “Hey Cloud? You in there?” Cecilia asks.

She doesn’t get a reply and knocks again. “Come on Cloud, I know you're in there. We need to talk. People are starting to get worried about you. Have you even been out your room? You gotta come out sometime.” Cecilia explains.

Cecilia hears the sound of shuffling from inside and takes a small step back from the door. Cloud swings it open quickly and avoids eye contact. “I’m fine. Now you can leave me alone.” He snaps.

Cloud goes to close the door but Cecilia puts her foot in the way of it. “Come on Cloud, I just want to talk to you. We’re all really shaken up about what happened with 3... but we can’t let that bring us down, is that what she would want? To see us all miserable?” Cecilia asks.

Cloud sighs and grips the door tighter. “That’s what she would want for me.” He mumbles.

Cecilia hears him and looks at him sadly. “You know that’s not true Cloud.” She tells him.

Cloud looks down at the floor for a few seconds before opening his door wider and letting Cecilia in. She smiles a little and walks into his room. He nearly slams the door shut and sits down on his bed. Cecilia pulls a chair over and sits down on it. “I know you're feeling really guilty about what happened but-”

Cloud puts his hand up and looks at Cecilia.

“Guilty? Guilty? Guilty doesn’t even describe how I’m feeling right now. I’m ashamed, mortified, scared of what I did! I nearly killed one of my own friends! And all you can say is that I’m feeling guilty? Not a single person that saw that fight is going to look at me the same way. They're gonna look at me and see nothing but a murderer! I haven't slept since it happened! I keep seeing the look on her face...the blood on my sword...”

Cecilia looks at Cloud shocked and shakes her head. “You're not a murderer Cloud, Agent 3 is still alive.” She tells him.

Cloud shakes his head. “I’m close enough to one anyway. How am I supposed to face my friends again? How can I look the other Agents in the eyes and speak to them normally? I can’t! I’m a monster to them! It’s my fault she’s in that state. If I had acted quicker or realized what happened sooner then she would have been fine! But no. I didn’t stop myself, instead. I stabbed her through the stomach and nearly killed her!”

Cloud breathes heavily and Cecilia looks at him sadly. She reaches out carefully and touches his shoulder a little.

“It wasn’t your fault Cloud, it was whoever messed around with the shields. That person is to blame. Not you. You had no way of knowing that was going to happen. I might not fully understand how you feel, but I know why you're feeling this way. Anyone would feel the same. I know I would. But you can’t blame yourself for this. I’m not blaming you, your friends aren’t blaming you. And I know that the Agents aren’t too, heck. Agent 3 isn’t even blaming you.

As sad as it is, things like this happen. We hurt someone, physically or mentally without even meaning too. I know you feel terrible about what happened, but sitting here and feeling sorry for yourself isn’t going to help anyone. You need to be strong, for 3’s sake, and your own.”

Cloud looks at Cecilia for a few seconds before nodding his head slightly. “You're right...but it’s just so difficult. How do I even begin to come to terms with this?” Cloud asks.

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