Chapter 8: Hide and Seek

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After a long day, I walk back to the mansion for the night. Even if I have school the next day, it doesn’t really matter whether or not I stay here or at my house. I yawn loudly as Mary walks over to me.

“Hey, Charlie. Can I ask for something?” Mary asks.

I look at her, sceptical.

“What?” I ask cautiously.

Mary shrugs. “Just a box.” She answers.

I tilt my head to the side. “Why not ask Eilidh? She’s the one that can make all different things? Besides, certain things I make don’t last forever.” I tell her.

Mary thinks for a moment and nods her head. “Your right! Thanks!”

Mary runs off to find Eilidh and I roll my eyes. What is she up to?


Mary runs around the mansion, looking for Eilidh. She walks outside and sees Eilidh just about to go home.

“Eilidh!” Mary shouts.

Eilidh stops as Mary nearly tackles her. Eilidh wobbles a little but stays on her feet.

“Woah! What are you doing?” Eilidh asks.

Mary stands up straight and grins. “I need you to make me a box.” She demands.

Eilidh looks at her confused. “Why not just go find one yourself?” Eilidh questions.

Mary rolls her eyes. “Because I need a box where you can put your hand in and pull only walkie talkies out of it.” She adds.

Eilidh blinks twice and shakes her head.

“Why? Why do you need that?” Eilidh asks, extremely confused.

Mary rolls her eyes. “Just make it for me!” She shouts.

Eilidh sighs loudly. “What’s in it for me?” She asks, crossing her arms.

Mary stares at her.

“Hang on...are you wanting me to bribe you?” Mary asks.

Eilidh smirks. “Maybe…”

Mary thinks for a moment before pulling an evil smirk. She pulls out a bag of sweets and shows them to Eilidh. Eilidh’s eyes light up and she snatches the bag out of Mary’s hands.

“Now make me a box.” Mary demands.

Eilidh creates a cube and then makes a box out of it. Mary grins madly and takes the box off her. “Thank you!”

Mary runs off and Eilidh watches after her, confused. She looks down at the bag of sweets and opens them, taking a sweet and putting it into her mouth.

“Worth it.” Eilidh munches.

Charlie’s P.O.V

My alarm for me to wake up buzzes and I slowly open my eyes. I stretch my arms over my head and rub my eyes. I slept like a baby! Which is a first for me, usually it takes me forever to get to sleep. I smile to myself and turn off my alarm. I throw the covers away from me and start to get ready for school. I walk into the bathroom and start to brush my teeth, still slightly dazed since I just woke up.

Guardians Of The UltraVerse: Universes Collide! (Book 5)Where stories live. Discover now