Chapter 3: Dodgeball War!

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“So a guy went apeshit on you for no reason?” Mary checks.

I nod my head sadly and put on my P.E shirt. Celeste puts on her trainers and looks up at me.

“Why would he do that?” Celeste asks.

I sigh and turn to her.

“I don’t know, there was one of those dark spheres in him, like the Scizor and Gengar. I think that was what made him attack me.” I answer.

Bryony walks over to us and stretches her arms out.

“Next time, could you maybe invite us when you decide to integrate a deranged maniac?” Bryony asks sarcastically.

Eilidh snorts and I laugh a little. “I will.”

We all walk out of the changing room and make our way over to the gym. Cecilia looks behind her shoulder and then quickly turns her head back around.

“Brace yourselves.” She tells us.

“Why?” Mary asks, confused.

Heather walks up behind us and we all try our best to hide our annoyance.

“Hi guys, you excited for P.E?” Heather asks.

Just to set the record straight, Heather doesn’t know that we hate her. We just put on fake smiles and deal with her existence, at least we try too. Mary clenches her teeth and nods her head a few times.

“Yeah. I hope that we’re doing dodgeball. That way, I can pound the ball against some idiot's heads!” Mary says, grinning like Jeff Blim from Starkid.

(A/N: If you don't know who he is, check out Star Kid on YouTube, there really good! They do lots of really funny musicals, I highly recommend you watch them!)

Heather nods along with Mary.

“I know. I hate those boys, they're all so annoying.” Heather agrees, not quite getting Mary’s message.

Bryony frowns a little.

“I’m not sure she meant the boys.” Bryony deadpans.

Heather looks at her.

“Oh. Did you mean Maja and Faith then? I hate them too.”

Celeste slaps her forehead and even Eilidh looks annoyed.

“...Yeah. Sure. Faith and Maja.” I say, raising both my eyebrows.

Heather smiles and then walks away. Mary breathes a sigh of relief and Celeste puts her hands in the air.

“I hate her! I hate her so much!” Celeste exclaims.

Cecilia giggles and Bryony nods her head along with Celeste. We all walk into the gym and wait for the register to be taken. I look off into the distance and see Faith and Maja talking with their phones in their hands, phones that they are not meant to have. They both look around and then see Daphne, a shy girl in our year. Daphne has bright pink long hair and light blue eyes. She has freckles on her cheeks and wears black round glasses. They both put their phones away and grin at each other. They start to walk over to her and I nudge Bryony in the shoulder.

“What is it?” Bryony asks.

I point over to Maja and Faith and Bryony sees them. I move my head in their direction and we both walk closer to Daphne, far enough away that she doesn’t notice us, but close enough that we can hear her. Faith walks over to Daphne and throws her arm around her. Daphne flinches and looks at Faith.

“Hey Daph. How have you been?” Faith asks, smiling a little too wide.

Daphne looks away and removes Faith’s arm from around her.

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