Chapter 15: This is Halloween!

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Charlie’s P.O.V

“Charlie! Would you hurry up and get changed already!” Celeste shouts.

I adjust my head piece and roll my eyes. “This costume is hard to get into ok! I’ll be out in a sec.” I shout back.

It’s Halloween night and me and my friends are going out trick or treating! We’ve all been thinking about what kind of costumes to wear and thought of a great theme: The Avengers!

Celeste is dressed up as Captain Marvel, Cecilia is Gamoura, Eilidh is Mantis, Bryony is the Wasp and Mary is Pepper Pots in her Iron man suit. I put my cape on around me and quickly open my door, running down the stairs. Everyone looks up at me and Eilidh squeals.

“You look awesome Charlie!” She cheers.

As for me, I’m dressing up as the Scarlet Witch, aka Wanda Maximoff. The outfit has been made for a teenager so it’s nowhere near as revealing as it usually is. I curled the ends of my hair and everything for it! Cecilia’s jaw hits the floor and I laugh as I make it fully down the stairs. I walk over to her and kiss her check.

“Cecilia’s gay panic is going off.” Mary jokes.

Cecilia rolls her eyes and smirks at me. “You do look amazing though, really.” She tells me.

I smile. “So do you, that costume is really good on you.” I compliment.

Cecilia blushes and plays with her hair a little.

“We need to get a photo of this, everyone bunch together!” Bryony tells us.

We all stand in all huddle together and Bryony holds her phone up into the air, trying to get all of us into the selfie.

“Everyone say Avengers!” I cheer.


Bryony takes the photo and we all look at it.

“That looks badass! You gotta send it to me!” Celeste exclaims.

Bryony puts her phone away and smirks. “I will. Don’t worry.” She reassures.

Mary looks outside and then back at all of us.

“Well what are we waiting for? Let’s get going!” Celeste cheers.

We all start to walk out my house and hear Mary shout. “Avengers! Assemble!”

We all laugh and I open the door to leave. We walk out into the neighborhood and look around, seeing lots of people out and about, most of which are dressed in halloween costumes. I see Zaine and some of his friends nearby. I wave over to him and he sees me, waving back. Zaine decided to dress up as Master Chief from Halo, and he does look really cool. He walks to a nearby house with his group and rings the doorbell. Someone answers and they all hold out their buckets.

“Trick or treat!” They all say in unison.

I smile at them and continue walking with my friends.

“So, whose house should we go to first?” Eilidh asks.

We all think and Cecilia points to a house covered in decorations. “What about that one?” She suggests.

We all smile and start walking over to the house. Mary rings the doorbell and we wait for someone to answer. The person answers the door and we all smile.

“Trick or treat!” We all say in unison, laughing a little.

The person looks at all of our costumes and smiles warmly at us. “I didn’t expect the avengers to appear right at my doorstep! Hope you're enjoying tonight.” The man tells us.

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