Chapter 10: The Goddess's Guidance

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Me and Cecilia walk through the halls, looking for Palutena. I keep the dark sphere close to me, staring at it as I walk. Cecilia notices the look on my face and puts her hand on my shoulder.

“Hey, it’ll be ok. I’m sure Palutena will know what that thing is.” Cecilia tells me.

I smile weakly at her and look in front of me. Cecilia opens the doors in front of us and out onto an outdoor pouch. We look around and see two people flying in the air, both of which have wings.

“Give it back Pittoo!” One of them shouts.

Pittoo flies around with a chocolate bar in his hands and growls. “I told you to stop calling me that!” He shouts back.

Me and Cecilia share a glance and I put my hands next to my mouth. “Hey...angels.” I shout.

They both stop in the air and look down at the two of us. The angel dressed in all white flies down to us and smiles. “Hey there. I don’t think we’ve met yet. I’m Pit.” He introduces.

I smile sweetly at him and hold my hand out. “I’m Charlie. And this is my girlfriend. Cecilia.” I smirk.

Pit shakes my hand and then Cecilia’s. He smiles widely and then turns to Pitto in the sky. He rolls his eyes and flies down to us.

“This is Dark Pit, but I usually just call him Pittoo.” Pit explains, snickering a little.

Dark Pit hits him in the back of the head and hisses. Cecilia looks at me confused.

“ he your brother or something?” Cecilia asks.

Dark Pit laughs. “Yeah right! No way I’m related to this loser! I’m his doppelganger. I’m basically better then him in every way.” Dark Pit retaliates.

I shoot Pit a glance and he rubs the back of his head shyly. “It’s a long story…” He mumbles.

I laugh a little and look around, wondering if Palutena is nearby. Dark Pit eyes the dark sphere in my hand and snatches it off me.

“What’s this thing?” He asks, inspecting it.

I gasp slightly and try to grab it off him. He moves it away from me and keeps me from grabbing it.

“Come on Pittoo, give her it back.” Pit tells him.

Dark Pit rolls his eyes and goes to hand it back. Suddenly, the dark sphere starts to shake and vibrates a little. “Huh? What is it doing?” Pit asks.

The dark sphere straightens itself and spears straight into Dark Pit’s chest! Dark Pit flies backwards and skids against the dirt. Cecilia gasps and Pit flies over to him. I summon my sword and run after Pit.

“No, wait! Don’t-”

Dark Pit slowly stands up and a staff appears in his hands. Pit stops flying and looks at him confused. “Hey...What are you doing?” Pit asks nervously.

Dark Pit aims the staff at Pit and shoots at him. I push Pit aside and block the shot. Dark Pit growls at him and lungs at me. The staff changes into a double sided sword and he swings at me. I step backwards and avoid it. I blast light straight at his face and Dark Pit stumbles backwards, rubbing his eyes.

“What’s wrong with him? Why is he attacking us?” Pit asks, slightly frightened.

Cecilia steps in front of him and summons her spear. “We don’t know, everyone who gets that dark sphere sent into them starts acting crazy.” She explains.

Dark Pit moves his hands away from his face and looks at me, breathing heavily. “Kill...the...girl…” He mumbles.

He charges at me again but I dodge out the way and grab his arm. I throw him over my shoulder and against the ground. Pit summons a double sided blade of his own and slashes at Dark Pit as he stands up. Both their blades clash as they swing, small sparks flying.

Guardians Of The UltraVerse: Universes Collide! (Book 5)Where stories live. Discover now