The Murder

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"God, it's just so fucked up." Kim took a hand off the wheel to clutch her head that was spiralling with shock.

"I know... I just—I don't understand." I stuttered with a small sigh.

Ashley Stanley.

Twenty years old, blonde hair, green eyes—dead.

She was dead—Ashley was dead. Murdered.


Kim slowed down to a red light and rested her arms on the wheel, her crazy red hair sprawling over the wheel too. I crossed my arms and looked through the window as I lounged in the passenger seat. A shiver struck me.

I didn't know Ashley very well. She was a new intern at where Kim and I worked. I would often smile at her when I passed by or said 'hello' but was always too busy to stop and chat with her. Kim would talk to her sometimes, but didn't know her long enough to call her a friend.

I didn't think anybody there knew her long.

Ashley was murdered as quick as she was hired. She was found lying in a puddle of her own blood on her bedroom floor. The woman's pyjamas had grown wet with the blood and torn in places where she had been brutally stabbed. The police and public where shocked to find no incriminating evidence at such a violent crime scene.

That was until yesterday, when a newspaper article was published by one of the new journalists in town.


The 'Ghost Face' had taken photos of himself with Ashley's mutilated corpse lying in the background. He took selfies with her body. How did the journalist find these photos? What they meant by 'returns' was that there was a Ghost Face back in the nineties. I knew that he killed a bunch of people in some town called 'Roseville', Florida. Strange how he had reappeared here and now of all times...

"Dude, you're right. It is just so fucked up."

Kim pulled into the work parking lot and parked her car perfectly the first try without needing to straighten up. This was actually a bad sign. I carpooled with Kim everyday to work and she always needed to straighten up at least once. I'd always laugh at her with her saying things like, 'oh, piss off! Go in without me. I'll be there in a sec.' followed by her own giggles.

But when Kim was nervous or sad, for some reason, she'd park perfectly. Whether she was nervous about a meeting, or when she met her current girlfriend's parents for the first time, the park was glorious. But this time it wasn't funny.

Kim was scared, and so was I.

The woman stared at the wheel for a few moments before opening her car door.

"I'm going across the street to the cafe to grab a coffee. Want anything?" She asked.

"No, thanks. I'll meet you inside." I replied from inside the car still.

"Yeah, okay. Now get outta the car. Need to lock it." Kim dangled her keys in the air playfully.

"Okay, okay. Just let me grab all this shit." I said, referring to the stack of files I had to bring into work.

"Need help?" Kim tilted her redhead.

"Nah, I'm good. Hang on." I gathered the files crudely after managing to open the car door.

I cradled the stack of files against my chest tightly to prevent them falling to the pavement. I heard the car's locks click shut behind me. I jumped a little but not enough for Kim to notice. Everyone was on edge at the moment.

"See you in a bit." Kim smiled softly and turned away from the car and I.

She crammed her keys into her purse as I watched her cross the street to the cafe. All that was heard was her heels clicking against the pavement in the quiet street.

"Stay safe." I called out to her.

I turned back to the many files that were in my hands. I huffed to myself and tried to organise the thick papers without dropping them. Kim's car was too tall for me to place some of the files on its roof so I began to walk to the work building.

"Okay, I really need to organise this or I'll get—!" I squeaked as the files fell from my grasp and splattered all across the pavement in front of me.

"Fuck me."

The files slid across the pavement in all kinds of directions. As annoying as it was, only few papers managed to slip out of their files, but some still did. I crouched down to pick up the few that were still close to me as the soft breeze brushed against my hair. I heard a car door slam shut, causing me to lift my head up and look around to see where the car was.

You could never of been too careful.

I gave up when I couldn't spot it in the sea of cars so I dragged a few files into my arms.

"Here, let me help you with that, sweetheart."

I whipped my head back up when my form was engulfed by someone's shadow. My eyes widened when met with a set of dark brown ones. A man peered down at me with a friendly smile before crouching down too to grab some files.

My free hand flung to my chest. "Jesus, you scared the hell outta me." I laughed breathlessly before snatching a stray paper off the ground.

The man laughed as well. "Sorry about that. It wasn't my intention." He scooped up more files then stood to grab the others that strayed too far away.

"Thank you so much. You didn't have to do this." I smiled shyly and stood up as well to follow the man.

"Oh, no. It would be my pleasure to help you." He placed a hand on his chest gracefully with a loving smile spread across his cleanly shaven face.

I could feel a blush creeping up my neck before I smiled flirtatiously at the man as he bent over to grab more files.

"No, no. That's enough, sir. You've helped plenty. Thanks so much." I beamed politely at him after approaching him and scooping up the last of the papers.

The man laughed again. "It's alright! The pleasure is all mine." He gently handed me the stack of files he was cradling and placed them on top of my own stack.

I was quick to secure my hands around the stack, desperately trying to avoid dropping it again. "Just my luck, huh? How embarrassing?" I giggled as I struggled more with the heavy stack of files.

"You know what? Here, let me take them. We're going to the same place anyway." The man carefully took the heavy files from my grasp and held them as if they weighed nothing.

"Oh, you've helped enough." I protested.

"Nonsense." The man chuckled again before walking towards my work.

"Thank you, sir." I replied as I sped up to walk next to him.

We approached the door. "I would open the door for you, but..." the man gestured to the files in his arms.

I instead opened the door and bobbed my head shyly for him to go first. "It's the least I can do." I smiled.

"You're very sweet." The man replied.

I followed him close behind as we entered the building.

"Whelp, I better clock in. Thanks for the help—oh! I never got your name." My eyes widened.

The man smirked and set the files down on my desk with a thick thud. He held out his hand for me to shake and his smirk widened into a smile.

"Danny. Danny Johnson."

Want more Ghost Face? :) I have plenty of one shots about him in my other fanfic: Dead by Daylight One Shots

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