The Press

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Kim's heavy car door came open with a sturdy push of my hand. I hopped out of the tall car with a small grunt as my shoes hit the pavement.

"So how's Rhonda going? She alright?" I asked Kim.

I straightened my outfit and gathered my bag out from the woman's car.

"Yeah, she's fine. She's still a little upset about the band mates of NO SPIN dying. Poor thing, I dunno how to help her." Kim answered.

I could hear the redhead's footsteps walk around the car and face me as her boots clicked along the parking lot. The morning sun beamed down on us, causing me to squint my eyes when looking at my friend.

"That's the K-pop band, right? Poor suckers who got torched?" I placed my hands on my hips.

"Yeah." Kim replied again, slinging her handbag over her shoulder.

NO SPIN was Rhonda's favourite band. She was often seen in their band tees or humming their songs. The band mates of the K-pop group unfortunately got trapped in their own recording studio and were set alight, all except one. The only survivor of the band is now a solo artist himself, known as 'The Trickster'. He's since gone missing along with his producer with no trace. You could of course just guessed what this was doing to my poor friend Rhonda.

I didn't know what it was about that Trickster guy. He just felt so familiar. With a bad vibe, too. It was almost like I knew him personally. Like I had met him before or something... but that was a tale for another day.

"Anyway, ready for work?" Kim smiled, trying to cushion the fall of me having to set foot into the cursed building.

I exhaled nervously, "yup." I squeaked.

Her shoulders shook as she let out a chuckle. "Relax, it'll be fine." Kim said, walking next to me.

"So, be real with me. How many reporters do you think'll be in there?" I asked.

I was quite the talk of the town nowadays. Footage of the Ghost Face speeding through downtown with me in the passenger seat had gone viral online. Twenty-five million views and it was only posted five days ago. I couldn't think of anything more embarrassing. So as you could imagine, I was not looking forward to going back to work.

"A swarm, my friend. A swarm. Oh! Rhonda just texted me. She says good luck." Kim giggled as she typed away on her smartphone to her girlfriend.

"Well, tell her I said thanks. 'Cause this is gonna kill me." I sighed.

The truth was, I was just grateful to be alive. All that I went through, I couldn't believe that I survived. Oh, god! All the guns, the mercenaries, the gore, the car crashes, the stabbing... just how was I still alive?

Kim and I entered our work. Like she said, a swarm of reporters and paparazzi were there waiting for me. Right as I walked in the door, I was left shielding my eyes as cameras flashed in my face. Reporters and cameramen from all around were calling my name.

"Look this way! Look this way!"


The press had surrounded me until I was in a tight circle of my own personal hell. More and more cameras flashed photos of me. I could hear Kim yelling over the people, trying to roughhouse them away from me but to no avail. A man on the far left shouted my name. I whipped around to look at him.

"What's your relationship with the Ghost Face like?" He asked, shoving a microphone in my face.

"Uh...!" I stuttered.

A woman shouted my name now. I looked towards her direction.

"What are your thoughts on journalist and mastermind mercenary Derek Grey's death at the scene?"

More and more reporters yelled out to me.

"How long really were you kept tied to that chair?"

"Do you know who the Ghost Face is? Have you seen his face?"

"Who are you wearing?"

I spun around in a circle as I saw big flashing cameras and noisy reporters close in on me until I felt like I couldn't breathe.

"Um... I actually—uh..." I trailed nervously, feeling tears welling up in my eyes.

"Alright, everyone! Get away from them right now! They work with me. Not you." I heard a deep booming voice over it all.


A breath of relief left me. Some paparazzi shuffled away to make way for the man but a lot of people didn't budge.

"Get the cameras off them! Give them some space! Can't you see you're making them uncomfortable?" Danny Johnson barked at the crowd.

The crowd of press finally trickled away from me and out the door. My shoulders relaxed as I could finally breathe again. I locked eyes with Danny, who was walking over to where I was leaning against the wall next to the door. My heart melted and I gazed upon him lovingly.

"Danny." I uttered affectionately.

I threw my arms around his neck to pull him into a kiss. Danny's evil smirk met his features and he didn't hesitate to throw his own arms around my waist. I didn't care if my coworkers or Kim could see us. We kissed deeply right there, all eyes on us (minus the press, who were probably outside sulking). I pulled away slightly to stare at Danny. Danny smiled again and kissed my cheek tenderly.

"Hey, doll face. How're you feeling?" The words rolled off his tongue in a raspy American lilt which sounded a lot more like the Ghost Face now that I knew it was him.

"Hey, Danny. I'm doing much better now. Thanks for pulling them off me, baby." I replied sweetly with my forehead against his.

I felt like a lovesick zombie around Danny. After all we had been through... from the very beginning; where he helped me pick up my spilled files. To him comforting me when the Ghost Face broke into my home. All the lying and the sneaking around and the death. I felt bad for liking him. I just couldn't help it. Something about this man, how he was really just no good... he had no reason, no motive or tragic childhood. Danny was a serial killer just because he wanted to be one. He simply enjoyed hurting others.

It just takes one person. An angel, if you will.

"Come out with me tonight. There's something I gotta tell you." Danny said against me.

"Tell me what? That you're the Ghost Face?" I joked.

Danny smirked, "don't be cute. Really, it's important." He planted another kiss to my cheek.

I tightened the grip I had on his neck.

"Okay, I'll be there. But only if you're my ride, ghosty."

How The Angel Fell: Ghost Face x Reader (DBD)Where stories live. Discover now