The Crow

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Two months later

"Hey, maddy." Angel smiled.

The teenage girl walked through the woods, holding a bottle in one hand and a blighted flower in the other. She approached a makeshift grave by a tree. The planks from a pallet had been nailed together into a cross. It was sticking up from the ground with flowers, teddy bears and bottles of drink by it. Glowing words of love were carved into the grave with a particularly sharp knife.

Here Lies—the name had faded from age and being out in the elements.

Loving spouse and parent.

A True Angel.

Angel's bottom lip wobbled slightly. No matter how many times she read those words, they made her cry. She bowed her head in sorrow, tears slipping down her pretty face. She carefully kneeled down, the knees of her sweatpants growing damp. She shakily placed the blighted flower by the grave. The plant glowed an eerie orange in the dark. Angel then screwed the top off the bottle and poured the drink down into the soil.

"It's your favourite." She chimed with a broken voice. Angel set her hands in her lap and stared at the wooden grave through blurry brown eyes. "It's not fair." She sobbed. "You didn't deserve this." Angel bowed her head again and cried.

Her dainty shoulders shook, the strap of her tank top slipping down. Angel moved it back up then weaved a hand through her long black hair.

"It's not fair on dad either. You would hate to see him now, maddy. He's not doing too good." She croaked.

A crow fluttered by with a caw and perched onto the wooden cross. Angel jumped in surprise but remained where she sat. The crow stared at her with its beady eyes, head tilted. The girl mirrored it and tilted her head as well.

"Maddy always liked you crows." Angel said to the bird. The crow cawed again. "They said they felt a connection to you. Whatever that meant. I think they had just been stuck here for way too long." Angel laughed sadly.

The crow stared at her for a long time. It bent down and pecked at the wood it was perched on and sharpened its beak with it. It looked back up at Angel one last time before taking off into the woods.

"There goes one of your little friends." Angel said to the grave. "Not fair." She muttered again to herself. "After everything we went through to get you back, you still ended up where we tried so hard for you not to end up." Angel sighed.

A shaky breath left the girl. Stray tears ran down her cheeks that she furiously tried to wipe away.

"I love you, maddy." Angel rose to her feet. "Rest well." Her voice broke with grief and turned into a sob.

The girl turned around, and ran home crying.

"Daddy? You home yet?" Angel brushed herself off and entered the living room. "Daddy...?"

Danny Johnson sat sprawled on the couch. He was covered in blood and dressed in his Ghost Face getup. His ghostly mask laid next to him along with his knife. A completely heartbroken look was spread across his sunken features.

"Daddy?" Angel repeated to the man.

Danny's dark eyes snapped towards where his daughter stood. They seemed to soften at the sight of her.

"Oh, Angel." He started. Danny stood from the couch and came over. "I didn't even see you standing there."

Danny wrapped his leather clad arms around Angel. She hugged him tightly and leaned her head on his shoulder. The embraced for a few moments before breaking away.

"I just came from visiting maddy." Angel said, not meeting her father's eyes.

Danny's shoulders slumped in sadness.

"Oh." He uttered.

"Yeah." Angel whispered.

"How are they?" Angel could detect a slight shakiness in Danny's voice.

"They're fine. I brought them some flowers and their favourite drink." Angel muttered.

Danny gave her a sad smile. "That's sweet. I'm sure they would've liked that." He brooded.

A terrible silence fell between the two. A curtain of Angel's hair hid her tears from her father. She could tell that he was fighting back his own.

"I'm gonna go see them soon." Danny finally whispered to the girl.

"Oh," Angel began.

She walked over to the couch and grabbed the crow plush that sat on it. She held it in her hands, inspecting its stitches. It was a simple crow stuffed animal made with soft black fabric. Angel gave it to Danny, where he too looked down at it.

"Go give this to them. They'll like it."

Danny did as his daughter said. He placed the crow plush gently next to their love's grave. The Ghost Face stood there in silence for at least a five minutes. He read the writing on their grave over and over in his head. The wind swirled through the air, the streamers on his shroud blowing freely. Danny slowly took his mask off and held it at his side. Tears began to well up in his eyes and thoughts began to invade his fragile mind.

Thoughts of his love laughing, their sighs, their smile...

"I'm so sorry!" Danny sobbed. He dropped his mask and his hands flung to his face where he cried hard into them. "It's all my fault." He cried in despair. "This would've never happened if it weren't for me." Danny crumpled to his knees. "I tried so hard..." he whimpered.

Danny hoped that somehow they could hear him. He hoped that they were listening to his words and were smiling in understanding. He could almost feel their gentle hand on his shoulder.

But still, they weren't there.

Danny reached into his shroud and pulled out a photograph. He stared down at it as tears fell freely. It was a picture of him and his love. Their arms were wrapped around his neck with a big smile on their face. He planted a kiss onto the photo before placing it down next to the stuffed crow.

"I love you—so much." Danny expressed. "No matter how much time passes, I will always be in love with you." He stroked the wooden cross with his gloved fingers. "Good night, sweetie. I'll see you tomorrow.

Danny wiped his tears on his sleeve, and trudged away. Another crow perched onto their grave, sharpening its beak on the wood. It then cawed, and soured off into the endless night.

How The Angel Fell: Ghost Face x Reader (DBD)Where stories live. Discover now