The Death

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The Entity's realm, years ago

I stared at my reflection in the mirror. I had been here for years now. Many things had happened since my time here in this realm. I was a survivor, then Danny found me, then Danny took me, then Danny proposed for us to then run away and elope in Vegas...

And now we were having a baby.

My face hardened and so did the face of my reflection. I studied it for a few more long moments, taking in my features.

The features that remained the exact same, even after all these years.

Ever since I first crash landed in the Entity's realm, my body refused to age. So did Danny's. Hell, he was from the nineties! That era was long gone by this time. Everybody; every killer, every survivor, and everyone in between. We all stayed the same. My loved ones back home didn't suspect much of it but rather marvelled at it (of course they didn't know my situation).

"Oh, what lovely skin you have!" They'd say.

"What's your skincare routine? Your face is just glowing!"

"How do you stay looking so young? What's your secret?"

I would laugh and nod along to them, acting like I had no idea. The Entity apparently liked me, letting Danny and I off into the real would on occasion like I had said before. But we were mainly kept here, tucked away. I meant, that I was kept tucked away. Danny would go off, slaying my ex survivors while I sat here waiting for him, having nothing to do but just stare at myself in the mirror.

I fiddled with the wedding ring on my finger, butterflies dancing around in my stomach. Danny and I were going to have a baby, and it was coming soon.


A pained groan left my lips. I could taste the blood dancing around my tastebuds. My bottom lip was busted, thick blood oozing out and leaving nothing but a stinging sensation. Another groan. I rolled onto my back, hearing shards of glass clink and crunch under me. I stared up at the night sky, it adorned with millions of glittery stars. My chest heaved as I tried to breath through the pain. I could feel the shards of glass poke into my back as well as some tangled through my bloodstained hair.

I turned my head to the side to where Danny was, but he was now gone. All that was left of him was a puddle of his blood mixed with some of my own. I shakily rose to a sitting position on the old country road. One half of Danny's car was on the left side of the road. It was the front half that we were seated in. It had been torn to shit. All that could've been recognised really was the steering wheel that was poking out weakly in the wreckage.

On the right side of the road was the back half of Danny's car. It was sandwiched between Derek Grey's van and a large oak tree. A leather clad mercenary that I didn't recognise laid a few feet away from said van. He was sprawled on the glass with blood guzzling out of his mouth, not breathing or moving. My head flung around from side to side, trying to spot someone who was actually clearly alive.

At first I thought that I had been abandoned. Left here in this wreckage, bruised and battered. But then I heard something coming from Derek's van, from the backside of it that was. The front of the van was no more, crumbled like a piece of paper against a tree trunk. Another bang sounded from the inside.

One last bang could've been heard before the back doors were shoved open by Derek, his body being hauled through them. I squeaked out a small shriek of surprise as Derek slammed against the road face first. The blonde man had slid a little on impact, had being slammed out of the wrecked van with such brutal force. Speaking of which, what brutal force?

The Ghost Face emerged from the back van doors soon after Derek did, but of course with much more elegance. The bloody, cracked, ghostly mask was back on his mug along with his leathery hood.

"Danny..." I wheezed in pain as I tried to get myself up from the road.

The Ghost Face leaped off the van and stalked over to where Derek laid. Derek let out a guttural grunt and dragged his body back away from the killer. I shakily rose to my bare feet, gasping at the sudden pain I felt in my right ankle. I peeped down at it and noticed it was bruised and swelling.

"Shit..." I whispered to myself.

I staggered over to the scene that took place across the road. Danny's paranormal presence loomed over Derek as his hunting knife gleamed in the pale moonlight. Shards of glass and dead leaves crunched under my dirty bare feet. I could see the Ghost Face visibly shaking, fired up with a burning rage for the younger man that laid at his boots.

"Fuck..." Derek groaned.

He clutched his chest as a weighty cough wracked his body, blood spitting out of his mouth and onto his thin lips. The Ghost Face lifted his knife well over his head.

"Danny, wait." I demanded.

And for once, Danny didn't listen.

"No!" He snapped, before he swung the knife down deep within Derek's rib cage.

Danny had never disobeyed me before. I hadn't known him very long of course but, I noticed that our short time we had spent together he always took my say into consideration.

Yet there he was, stabbing a man right in front of me, even though he knew I didn't want him to. I smacked my hands over my eyes and cried a horrific scream of terror. The Ghost Face was straddling Derek now, stabbing him again and again and again.

"Fuck you for touching them! Fuck you! Never—hurt them—again!" Danny yelled out in anger.

Derek's eyes had rolled back into his skull well over a minute ago. His struggling also stopped around that time. Derek was gone—dead. Right in front of my eyes. This man that had created this plan to kill the Ghost Face for money. Kidnapped me, starved me, wanted nothing more than to hurt my boyfriend and I.

Yeah, fuck you for touching me.

Blood was everywhere, giving each blade of grass red speckles in the darkness of the moon. The sticky crimson liquid sprinkled my face as well, almost giving me the look of dainty little freckles.

"Danny, stop! That's enough! He's gone!" I shouted.

I held my hands up and shielded my eyes from the gory scene. The Ghost Face thrusted and thrusted his red stained blade into Derek's gaping chest. He was going to be unrecognisable when the Ghost Face was done with him, and something told me that that was his twisted plan.

"Danny, I said enough." I scolded sternly.

The killer was still shaking when he slowly but surely did what I told him to. His breathing was deep and raspy yet quick.

"Danny..." I said.

I limped over to where he was sitting on the mangled body, and placed a hand on his shoulder, the one that hadn't been shot.

"That's enough. It's done now, okay? It's all over."

How The Angel Fell: Ghost Face x Reader (DBD)Where stories live. Discover now