The Entity

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The Entity's realm, the day after the dinner

The Ghost Face trudged through the fog with a slight hangover from last night, dead leaves crunching under his feet. He had been getting closer with them and he knew it. This was perfect—good. It was what the Ghost Face needed in order for everything to go back to normal. He hadn't visited them much as the Ghost Face—he'd been the real him: Danny. Danny got closer and closer with them just as he wanted. The way they laughed and smiled at him made him melt into a puddle. This obsession with them had gone on for so long. Before all of this. Back when they were a survivor.

God, that seemed like a thousand years ago. Danny had worked so hard for the Entity to be able to keep them. What that meant was that he could take them away from the horror of the trials. Keep them forever in Danny's little corner of the Entity's realm. The man fell head over heels the moment his eyes met those of that timid new survivor. But now everything was wrong. The Entity created their desperate love into a sick little game. Danny remembered the question against his ear like it had been asked of him just yesterday.

What would it be like if I never made them a survivor, Danny? What if you were around when they were? Would they still of fallen in love with you? Let's find out.

Danny had grown so angry when he heard that. "No! No, you leave us alone! YOU LEAVE THEM ALONE!"

The Entity didn't care. It took Danny's love and placed them back in their world without any memory of their traumatic life here in its realm.

What would they be doing if they were still here? It asked itself. They were an adult, they'd have a job—and friends.

Who would they be friends with?

Their coworker, Kim, seemed like a good match. They carpooled with her everyday. They also would like her girlfriend, Rhonda. Though they would never ever really meet these people, it seemed like a good setup. They were good to go, now it was time to see if Danny could get them to love him.

Like how they oh-so love you here now.

Danny had to work extra hard on this one. If he couldn't get them to fall in love with him here, then the Entity would kill them off forever. He had made it mad. He was spending too much time on them instead of focusing in trials. Danny loved them with every dead thing in his black heart.

After finding out where they were working, he killed one of their coworkers they didn't really speak to. Ashley Stanley. Where it all began. Danny sat in his car in the parking lot. Kim and them had gotten out of her car and she walked off across the street.

They were left alone.

Danny smiled longingly at them as they struggled with a thick stack of files in their hands. Just as they were about to walk to the door, the files fell from their grasp and spilled onto the pavement below. Danny saw this as a perfect opportunity and ripped his car door open.

"Here, let me help you with that, sweetheart."

The Ghost Face approached the cluster of large spider like legs in the middle of the realm. High above, the legs spun into a twisted circle, preying on the emotions of hopeful human beings. The Entity had brung Danny back to the realm for a quick break and welcomed him back with a trial. His love was probably sleeping in their own bed while he slashed up their ex fellow survivors. When he had sacrificed all of them to the Entity, the trial dragged on a little longer.

The Entity didn't disappear to another and Danny wasn't left walking out of the exit gate. The Entity manifested something above the trees and began to drag it down to face Danny with its spidery limbs.

Danny stared at the circle of legs in front of him, hiding something in the middle. The man pulled out his knife, preparing himself for what could possibly spring out and attack him. The arachnid's limbs slowly fell down to reveal it—them.

It was his love.

Danny said their name and dropped the knife to the ground.

"Don't come any closer." They giggled mischievously. They placed their hands on their hips and smirked down at their apparent masked boyfriend. "Hi, Danny." They waved flirtatiously in a singsong tone that drove him wild.

Danny was almost drooling. They were completely naked, small Entity legs hugged around their bits to cover them up while their eyes glowed orange. This wasn't them, he knew it. They were still in the real world. This was just the Entity playing a sick game with him by disguising itself as them. They suddenly leaped off of the Entity's leg cluster and onto the ground in front of the meat hook.

"Have you missed me?" They winked.

Though it was not them.

The Ghost Face almost believed that it truely was for a second. They were so beautiful in his eyes, so superior to anything he had ever met. What if his love was the Entity? They were the perfect match for him. His true soulmate. They were a higher power to him, better than everything around even himself. How could a human being make him fall so madly in love? How could someone be so drop dead stunning and everything he had ever wanted and more?

They were no mere human. They were a god.

This superior race that was irreplaceable and was from a whole other world. But then Danny thought no. There was no way that they were the Entity. Though they were perfect, they were not evil. They were the purest form of good he had ever witnessed in his life. It was impossible that they would live off negative emotions and force killers to sacrifice for them. They were too sweet, made him change.

"You're running out of time, Danny." Their melodic voice ripped him away from his thoughts.

"I've been having visions, you know? I'm gonna find out you're the Ghost Face. I'm gonna hate you. You and I will never last." They shook their head slowly and giggled.

"No..." Said Danny.

His love began to giggle more. They giggled harder until it looked like they were struggling to breath. The giggles turned into full laughter, going at impossible pitches. The maniacal laughter shrieked in Danny's ears.

They were laughing at him.

"You're gonna lose, Danny! You're gonna lose, lose, lose! You're gonna lose me and be stuck here forever!" Their voice began to grow ferocious and almost like a witch or warlock.

And for the first time, Danny screamed.

How The Angel Fell: Ghost Face x Reader (DBD)Where stories live. Discover now