The Heartbreak

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Angel entered the cabin and lit up as soon as her eyes laid on her father. Danny Johnson too smiled, gleeful that his daughter had returned from the real world. Angel threw her arms around the older man as she always did. Danny engulfed her into a big bearhug.

"Hey, princess! How was it?" Danny asked.

Angel smiled, "great! Maddy and I got some cool stuff!" She squealed.

Danny's black heart warmed at the sight of his beloved daughter. The teenage girl broke away from him and began to fumble through the shopping bags she had put on the dinner table.

"Where is your maddy, exactly?" Danny enquired.

Angel looked up from the shopping bags, her big brown eyes blinking.

"I don't know... they should be here by now."

A wave of panic hit the Ghost Face.

"Oh, no."

Danny started for the front door, swiping his mask off the table and fixing it over his face in the process. He burst through the door importantly, barging down the porch and onto the forest floor, knife in hand.

The man called their name once, then again. Then thrice. Then twice more. No answer.

"No, no, no..." Danny freaked out quietly from behind his mask.

His mask succeeded in hiding his anxiety.

"Dad, wait!" Angel yelled from behind.

The Ghost Face turned around to spot his daughter running over from the house, her own knife in hand.

"Angel, go back. It's not safe." Danny ordered.

"No, I'm coming with you. We gotta find maddy." Angel argued.

"Angel, I—!"

Danny was interrupted by the large claws of none other than the Entity. Angel shrieked, nearly dropping her knife. She fumbled and juggled it before it hit the ground. The Entity whispered and hissed in anger.

"Angel, go now!" Danny yelled.

Angel didn't think twice as she bolted back to the cabin as fast as her legs would take her. Her father rarely yelled, if at all. The sheer terror of seeing the Entity had been too much for her. The same creature that left her mind wondering for years. The very thing that drove her to sleeping between her parents as a little girl.

To see it looming before her father was a sight to see. Angel felt terrible for running away, but she knew that Danny had better experience with the creature. As Angel refuged in the cabin of safety, Danny squared up to the powerful entity before him.

"Where are they? Give them back! I'm not letting you take them away from me again." Danny screamed like a child throwing a tantrum.

The Entity laced its big claws along Danny's shoulders almost affectionately. A quick thought flashed through his mind. It was about his early theories, which he quickly debunked.

Was his love the Entity all along?

They were like a god to him. The way the moved, spoke and smiled at him... he worshipped it all. But when the Entity slinked away from him to show what was behind it, those thoughts were proved untrue yet again.

There his love laid on the ground, not moving an inch.

"No!" Danny screeched.

The Entity evaporated at the sound of Danny's voice, mostly out of fear. Danny screamed again, racing over to his partner. He tore his mask off and pulled them into his lap.

The man said their name. "Hey, c'mon. You gotta get up. It's okay," no reply on his end.

They felt so cold. Huge bloody punctures still gushed with blood where he could tell the Entity struck. Danny pulled them into his lap and cradled them like a child.

"Wake up," Danny urged. "Come on. Please just wake up."

Their head that was lying on his shoulder slid off. Their head was thrown back limply, not moving up to correct itself. Danny couldn't contain himself. He couldn't believe it. After all they had been through... after all this time. The man sputtered, a weak noise that left his trembling lips. His love laid in his arms, icy and cold to the touch. Their blood had gotten all over him, and it felt thin and lifeless.

"NO!" Danny screamed.

He sobbed loudly, clinging to them so tight, their wounds began to enlarge. Danny shouted their name right in their face for no reply.

Why did the Entity put them both through that for it to just do this? The unmasked Ghost Face continued to cry into his partners cold flesh.

"I'm so sorry." He whispered. "I'm so sorry."

Danny cringed at the feel of their body but he couldn't break away from them. Their wounds were gaping and wet, overpowering their once stunning figure. Their waist and pelvis felt broken and crooked. He concluded that they must've fallen from a far distance, causing such fractures that he could feel within them. That made Danny cry harder. It was killing him that he knew their death wasn't pleasant or painless. The weirdest part was the state of their back. It seemed like something was trying to extrude out of their ribs.

Danny remembered them complaining every now and then about some back pain they were experiencing. They told him they had had it ever since they came back from the real world and back into his arms. Danny thought it was strange, but they quickly played it off as nothing. He didn't know what happened to their back now, but he knew it was the Entity's doing. All of this, it was all because of that goddamned demon that he grew to hate.

As Danny sat their with his dead partner in his arms, lonesome tears streamed down his face. He knew that this changed nothing. He would go back to serving the Entity the next night. If he didn't have a child, he would happily go off into the void. Because now that they were gone, his life had been shattered. His final beam of light was Angel. He was forced to serve the Entity. If he didn't, he knew that she'd be taken away from him too.

Without another thought, Danny stood and lifted them into his arms. He started the long way back home. He left his mask and knife there, planning to collect them later. Or not, he had others. The man couldn't of cared less.

Danny couldn't even think about killing. How was he supposed to enjoy it now? How was he to enjoy anything? All he wanted to do was lay down with their corpse and die too. But he couldn't, he had his daughter.

And now he had to go tell her the news.

How The Angel Fell: Ghost Face x Reader (DBD)Where stories live. Discover now