The Nectar

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The Ghost Face groaned into the kiss, his grip on my waist firm. We both stood there in the middle of the night on that old country road, entangled in one another. We broke away only to catch a breath.

"I wouldn't call you an idiot, darling. Remember how you kept that knife under your pillow to shank me with? Very smart." Danny smirked.

A breathy laugh left me, causing his dark eyes to sparkle.

"I didn't get very far with it though, didn't I?" I argued playfully.

Danny kissed me again, much more soft this time. My eyes drooped shut to bask in the warmth of him against me. We caught ourselves staring off into each other's eyes the second time we broke apart.

"I can't believe it was you this entire time." I whispered longingly.

I studied his grainy features in the moonlight.

"Words cannot express how sorry I am that it came to this." He whispered back.

I felt myself leaning more into Danny, letting his strong arms support me.

"I," I rasped out.

"I don't care." I huffed tiredly, shaking my head.

"What?" Danny's eyebrows rose.

"I haven't slept on a bed in so long. I haven't showered, haven't brushed my teeth or hair. I've witnessed murder and nearly died in a car accident. I just wanna go home." I replied, deadpanned.

The Ghost Face opened his mouth to say something but no words came.

"Let's get you home then, honey." He planted his two gloved hands on my cheeks and smacked a kiss onto my forehead.

When his arms went back to his sides, I noticed the poor bandaging of his wounds.

"Oh, gosh. Danny." I said.

I ran a hand over his injured shoulder then over to his arm. White bandages were wrapped around tight on both wounds.

"Where did you get the bandages?" I asked.

"Angel brought them."

As if on cue, two bright headlights flickered on up ahead. A yellow sports car crept up towards us, old tar crunching under the tires.

"Wow!" I gaped at the expensive vehicle.

"Get in, dudes!" Angel said from the driver's seat.

I turned back to Danny to see him pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Angel, honey..." He started. "I told you to steal a subtle and inexpensive car." He sighed deeply.

I glanced back at Angel in shock.

"You stole this?!" I exclaimed.

Angel rolled her eyes playfully.

"That's your biggest concern? After all you've seen and been through?" She scoffed.

"Angel, enough with the attitude. You and I will talk about this later, young lady." Danny scolded sternly.

I stared on in confusion. Why was Danny treating Angel like he was her father?

"Argh!" I yelled out in pain.

A sudden sharp pain ripped through my skull. I clutched the sides of my head and screwed my eyes shut. Danny said my name worriedly and rushed to my aid.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Yeah..." I gasped out through gritted teeth.

My knees shook and struggled to support my weight. The freezing fog wafted over me again. I could see it blanketing over my bare feet then working its way up until I was completely engulfed. And with that, I was gone. Out of that world, and into another.

The memories were coming back again. Everything.

Danny and I had been together for nineteen years. Nineteen years I spent in that godforsaken realm. I didn't age, I didn't change. Neither of us did. We were a whole lot older than we seemed.

Tears welled up in my eyes as I clenched my hands around my head harder and harder. I could hear Danny and Angel calling out to me.

"Are you okay? Say something... please!"

Pitch black circled around me like prey. I wasn't in my grubby pyjamas anymore like the last time I was here. But as more moments went by, I realised that this WAS the same time. I was here, fighting the Entity. Yelling at it, hurting it. Its monstrous leg came down on me like the wrath of God. Instead of darting away in fear like I did before, I reached my hand up and grabbed.

I am going to make you beautiful.

My hand wrapped around the spidery leg and clenched it hard. The Entity hissed in anger at my antics. It tried to distract me. Flashbacks, emotions, fear...

I found myself sitting in that old pickup truck again. A small easel and canvas displayed in front of me. I was balancing a pallet on my lap while placing gentle brushstrokes of pigment onto the blank canvas. Danny was running around the realm as I painted. A child's giggle could be heard as well as her small footsteps.

I gripped harder on the Entity's leg, causing it to try harder to make me crack. It dug deeper within the archives in hopes of striking a nerve.

I sat on a hospital bed with Danny next to me. He was cradling a baby girl tearfully. I gently leaned my head on his shoulder and cooed at the newborn.

The Entity roared out in anger when I still kept firm hold on it. None of this was working. All I knew was that it had her. It had the child—the baby. Angel. Danny and I had been together for eighteen years. She had been with us for sixteen.

"Give," I clenched harder as I began my sentence. "Us," I could feel the Entity's leg begin to crumble apart in my hand. "Back," the Entity begged me to stop in my head. "Our," it wailed in pain.


Let go! Let go of me! It cried.

"Not until you give Angel back!" I screamed.

The spider's leg cracked open in my hand. I didn't know what came over me. The strength, I meant. I crushed through its demonic cartilage like a chocolate coated ice cream. My fingers were met with hot, orange glowing nectar. The thick goo oozed between my fingers and trickled down my arm. I watched in awe and disgust at the golden orange fluid. I was shocked that I could be so... violent. The feel of the nectar merely on my hand was so powerful... addictive.

I am going to make you beautiful.

Something told me that I wasn't going to like what the Entity meant by that.

How The Angel Fell: Ghost Face x Reader (DBD)Where stories live. Discover now