The Vision

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I crouched down onto the ground in front of a broken generator. My skilled hands were quick to connect wires and repair areas of the old machine that were busted.

I had done this over and over to the point I was losing hope.

And that was bad. You didn't wanna know what happened to people here when they lost hope.

Once I had repaired the generator, I bounced up from my crouched position and rolled a little on the balls of my feet. I kept my eyes alert and dusted my hands off. I looked around the realm in an attempt to find fellow survivors or the killer even.

I spotted a certain white blur in the corner of my eye, peeping from behind a brick wall. I turned to meet the familiar gaze of said blur as the chilling breeze flowed through my hair almost prettily. I froze in place when the white blur had formed into a ghostly mask in my eyes.

The Ghost Face.

The killer stood from his own crouched position and moved from behind the wall. His bloody hunting knife shone in the pale moonlight with a certain malevolent glint to it. The Ghost Face was coming straight towards me. I could hear his heavy breathing from behind the mask as he approached me menacingly, blade in hand.

The man stopped when we were face to ghost face. My fearful eyes gazed into the black mesh of his eyeholes, trying to find any sort of human to grasp onto. The Ghost Face wasted no time. He didn't bother using his knife as he hoisted me up into his grasp. I gasped in shock with a scared squeal.

But then I laughed.

I said his name—not 'Ghost Face'—the man's real name. But I couldn't remember it now.

The Ghost Face held me bridal style and I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"I'm so glad it's you." I smiled.

I heard a raspy chuckle from behind the mask and he held me closer.

"Me too, sweetheart."

My eyes wouldn't open. I felt my arms still wrapped around a neck and gloved hands holding me. My head was leaning against a forehead. Not a mask; an actual person.

The Ghost Face was unmasked right in front of me.

But I still couldn't open my eyes. I couldn't move much at all for that matter. I felt his warm breath wafting over my lips. I groaned softly but then whimpered, things flashing behind my eyelids. The next thing I heard sent a chill down my spine. In the Ghost Face's raspy voice, he whispered something with his bare forehead still against mine.

"What do you see?"

I saw crows, perched high above the dead trees around the realm. I saw pumping generators and pallets being slammed down by survivors onto killers' heads. I saw killers walking towards meat hooks with struggling survivors on their shoulders. I saw them die, and they saw me die.


It was not an escape. I had died before. I knew what it felt like. I knew what it felt like to be stabbed with a cleaver, to be cut in half with a chainsaw, have a hatchet to the back, electrocuted, vomited on, my face had been eaten off by a cannibal for Christ's sake. But there was one thing. The one thing I hadn't been stabbed or killed by.

Never had I ever been stabbed or killed with a certain hunting knife.

I chased after the Ghost Face. My shoes crunched against dead leaves on the ground as I ran. I felt for the survivor slung over his shoulder. They struggled in his grasp as he approached a hook.

"No!" I yanked out my flashlight and blocked the Ghost Face from the hook.

I almost drifted across the dirt as my shoes skidded under leaves. I clicked the on button on the flashlight and aimed the bright beam of light directly in the Ghost Face's masked face. The killer sighed deeply and dropped the survivor. The fellow survivor was quick to scramble to their feet and bolt away from us.

"You're welcome, home slice." I murmured under my breath sarcastically.

The Ghost Face said my name. "I have to do this, honey." He urged.

"I don't like it." I replied as I fiddled with my hands.

The Ghost Face walked over to me and held both my hands in his.

"I know, and I'm sorry. But I'm doing this so I can protect you. So, please... just let me handle them."

I sighed, "okay."

"Thank you." The Ghost Face gripped his knife and set his sights again on the survivor I saved.

"I see pain."

I was running again. I huffed tiredly and sprinted through the realm, looking behind me. A tall apparition that looked as if he was made of bark came bounding after me. I whimpered when he caught up but I didn't stop. The creature's glowing eyes were all I saw and his grotesque growling was all I heard. I screamed when he lifted his weapon, a weapon made from a human skull and spine. Bloody blades extruded from the skull's top jaw, preparing to swing down onto me.

The Wraith.


I threw a pallet down against his head and he made a pained noise I couldn't describe.

Fog filled my vision, it was freezing. I wasn't with the Wraith anymore. I was standing metres away from the Ghost Face. He had a camera in hand, and lifted it to his gaze to snap a photo of me.

"Don't see the pain. See what I felt about you."

I found myself in an outdated looking bedroom. The floral wallpaper peeled from the walls that were covered in gruesome photos and articles. I felt someone hug me from behind and plant a gentle kiss against my neck. A familiar man's voice came in close to my ear.

"Welcome home, sweetheart."


I tried to open my eyes a final time before my body slackened.

"I loved you then and I love you now. I'm gonna get you back, darling. I promise." Said the Ghost Face.

My eyes finally ripped open. My drunken gaze met the ghostly mask that was now back on the killer's face.

"What...?" I slurred.

"I'm sorry."

Black claws emerged from the ground and clasped around my form. The Ghost Face handed me to the creature and backed away. My eyes were still blurry but I could make out the eerie orange glow that rippled through the creature's exoskeleton before I was punctured by it.

I screamed at everything until there was nothing at all.

How The Angel Fell: Ghost Face x Reader (DBD)Where stories live. Discover now