The Dinner

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Fog clouded over my eyes and I clutched my head painfully. I heard a man say my name—then say it again. I let out a weak whimper and crumbled to the floor in a sitting position.

"Hey, come on. It's okay, honey." The man tried to comfort me.

I looked up in a vain attempt to see through the murky fog. The man said something again and I saw his hooded form through the foggy atmosphere. He turned around, and I was met with a ghostly mask. My vision finally cleared and I found myself still in the room until Danny's form had completely replaced the Ghost Face's.

Danny said my name one last time and I screamed right in his face.

"Whoa! Hey, it's alright!" Danny panicked and quickly scooped me up into his arms as if on instinct.

I breathed hard in his arms and tried to control myself as I felt a panic attack coming on. Danny turned himself around and gently set me down on the desk.

"Hey, honey. You're having a panic attack. Just breathe with me now, okay?" The journalist gripped my shoulders and gazed down at me.

I tried to collect my thoughts.

"I'm sorry, I—! There's something—the Ghost Face, he—! I just can't—!" I stuttered.

"I understand. It's okay. You've gone through some pretty traumatic stuff. It's normal to act like this." Danny reassured.

"I've been seeing things. I see him everywhere. I'm sorry for screaming—something's really wrong." I clutched my head again. A blush suddenly spread across my cheeks. "I'm sorry. God, you must think I'm nuts."

Danny chuckled huskily. "Darling, not at all. Not when I've seen what the Ghost Face has been doing to all those people. That's what's truely 'nuts'."

My vision tried to fog up again but I kept my gaze strong on the man before me until he was the most attractive man I had ever seen. The feelings from the visions and what felt like 'flashbacks' clouded my brain with emotions that felt familiar for God only knew why. The pit in my belly fluttered and I pressed my thighs together tightly as I began to feel shamefully aroused.

"Mr Johnson...?"

"It's Danny, remember?" Danny inched closer to my flushed face.

"Sorry." I bit my lip and something in his eyes seemed to go crazy over that.

'Fuck me' eyes.

Oh, my god. Kim was actually right for once!

Danny moved back, "you're clearly very vulnerable right now. How about we continue this tonight at dinner? My treat, I'll even pick you up from your friend's apartment. I have some photos and evidence I need to show you. You know this town better than I do so you could really help. How's that sound?" He asked and his hand met my shoulder again.

"I... yeah, okay. That's sounds good, thanks."

"I. Told. You!" Kim rolled up the newspaper she was reading and whacked me with it playfully.

"Babe, stop." Rhonda snatched the newspaper off of her girlfriend almost motherly and unraveled it.

I laughed sincerely and sat on the couch next to Kim. "I know, okay? You were actually right. I can't believe he asked me out..." I shook my head with a smile spread across my features.

My heart sank when I saw the Ghost Face's mask on the front page of the newspaper Rhonda had taken off of Kim and was now reading herself.

"Well, be careful out there tonight. The Ghost Face killed some random guys about our age last night. You never know who that sicko is. Hell, could even be Danny for god's sake. I've never liked that guy." Kim crossed her arms over her chest and dwelled on her words.

"What? No! Danny is not the Ghost Face."

We all jumped out of our skins when three loud knocks pounded against the front door.

"Speak of the devil." Rhonda smirked.

I sped to the door before the girls could and answered it. Danny smiled at me and pulled out a chocolate bar shyly.

"Hey! You look nice. Look, I wanted to buy you flowers but I felt like that would've been awkward. So, I got you the next best thing which is chocolate! I also don't know if you even eat chocolate—!"

"Thank you, Danny. That's really sweet." I gently took the chocolate from him with a laugh and held the door open for him.

Rhonda stood from the couch. "Hello, Danny. I don't believe we've met. I'm Rhonda, Kim's girlfriend. It's nice to meet you." The woman smiled up at Danny and gave him a firm handshake.

"Nice to meet you too, Rhonda." Danny returned the firm handshake but not the sincerity of the smile.

"Danny." I heard Kim say curtly.

"Kim." Danny shot right back.

"Would you like anything to drink?" I asked Danny through the thick atmosphere.

"Oh, no, thank you. I'll grab something at the restaurant."

"How'd you know that I was still living with Kim?" I asked Danny as he drove down the quiet street.

"Oh—just assumed. I guess I figured you probably didn't wanna move back just yet." Danny stammered.

I made a face at his nervousness. "No, well... I'll move back eventually—I have to. I can't crash on my poor friends' couch forever. Like, they're a couple, you know? They gotta have their privacy." I looked out the car window. "I'm scared, you know? I think he's... I think he's obsessed with me." I shrunk in my seat when the subject changed to the Ghost Face.

"I understand. Well if this goes well, you could maybe crash on mine?" Danny immediately flushed bright red at his words and gripped the steering wheel until his knuckles turned white in the dark. "I—I'm sorry. I didn't mean—you know—!"

I laughed and his brown eyes softened at the sound. "Stop being so nervous around me! I'm not gonna bite. Hell, you've seen me cry and scream and go skits on you. No need for you to hide shit from me now." I joked.

"I'd—I'd never hide anything from you."

"Besides, why would I only just crash on the couch, hm?" I winked, referring to sharing his bed.

"I—uh. Heh, heh. Sure, yeah." Danny stuttered.

I laughed harder and whacked him playfully.

At the restaurant, Danny pulled my chair out for me like a gentleman.

"Oh, thank you, Danny." I smiled like an idiot at the attention and sat down.

"It's my pleasure." Danny chuckled then took his own seat.

"Now, I wanted to show you some images." The man started before taking out some photographs from his pocket.

Danny slapped the photos onto the table so I could peer down at them. The pictures displayed the Ghost Face taking selfies and what not with mutilated bodies as per usual. It was gross that I was so nonchalant about it now after Danny showing me so many of them.

"He's killing them quicker than usual instead of stalking for weeks like he usually does. It's like he's getting impatient or—upset." Danny explained while spreading the photos out across the white tablecloth.

"Upset? Upset about what?" I tilted my head and picked up a gruesome photo to examine it better.

"Well, I thought that you could help with that because... it seems he's taken a liking to you." Said Danny.

"How could you possibly know that? I've only seen him once in person." I replied.

Danny stared at me with a deadpan expression and the corner of his mouth twitched.

"Only once?"

Fog flooded my vision as if on cue with Danny's voice.

How The Angel Fell: Ghost Face x Reader (DBD)Where stories live. Discover now