The Interview

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I smiled professionally and took Danny's hand in mine.

"Nice to meet you, Mr Johnson." I then told him my own name with a firm handshake.

"Ah, lovely name! And please, call me Danny." Danny's grin widened as he seemed to enjoy our firm handshake.

His fingers gently lingered with mine for a moment too long.

"Thank you, Mr Jo—Danny."

"It's nice to meet you too, sweetheart."

Kim entered, "hey—oh! Who's this?" Kim's green eyes seemed to narrow a bit but then became more professional. I noticed that.

The redhead took a sip of her coffee and approached us slowly. Kim looked him up and down like a mean teenage girl, then looked to me with a far more welcoming gaze.

"Who's your friend?" She asked, though it didn't really sound like a question.

"Oh, this is Mr Johnson. He's—well... why are you here anyway, sir?"

Danny gazed at me almost lovingly, but then down at Kim with a challenging glint in his dark eyes. "My name's Danny Johnson. I'm a journalist who's following the Ghost Face. I'm here to interview the staff about Ashley Stanley." He smiled and held his hand out for Kim to shake.

"Oh." I managed to muster as a shiver ran through me.

Danny frowned at my reaction. "Were you two close?" He asked worriedly.

"Oh, no. I hardly knew her. It's just... it's just terrible." I stared at my shoes.

"Guessing you want the boss then." Kim deadpanned before taking another sip of her coffee.

"Yes, I was hoping your lovely friend here could show me to their office. They've already been so kind." Danny replied to her, then gestured to me.

"Me being kind? Oh, no. He's the one. Kim, after you left, I dropped all the files! Only I could, huh? He just came over and helped me." I giggled and pointed a thumb at him, hoping to lighten the mood.

Kim chucked her now empty coffeecup into a nearby trashcan with a stern look on her face. The woman then smiled with fake kind eyes.

"Sure, don't steal them for too long. They're my favourite work buddy, you see?" Kim told Danny in the nicest tone she could feign.

"I'm sure they are. They're very polite." Danny glared daggers into the woman with a hand on my shoulder.

"Thank you, Mr Johnson." I bobbed my head politely at his compliment and then turned back to Kim. "I'll be back, babe." I said to my friend.

"Okay." Kim frowned, and I could see she wanted to tell me something.

Kim sat at her desk that was next to mine with crossed arms and legs. I cleared my throat and sat down in my seat after showing Danny to our boss' office while Kim glared daggers into me. I sniffed casually and began to organise the stack of files on my desk, trying to ignore her antics. Kim tapped her heal against the floor and drummed her fingers against her arm like Freddy Krueger plotting a nightmare. I couldn't take the pressure of it anymore and turned in my swivel seat to face her.

"Okay, what?"

"You know what."

"No, I really don't. What is it?"

"You really don't know?"

"Know what?"

"You know."

"No, I don't."

How The Angel Fell: Ghost Face x Reader (DBD)Where stories live. Discover now