The Lake

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Danny Johnson picked me up from my home at eight o'clock that night. He was always such a gentleman around me. It was hard to believe that he was indeed the Ghost Face. But I didn't seem to care, which actually worried me a smidgen. The car he picked me up in was the same yellow sports car that Angel had stolen last week. I crossed my arms and stared skeptically at Danny.

"You kept this car? How have you not been caught yet?" I asked.

Danny looked down at the bright yellow car next to him that back up at me.

"It was not my first choice. Sometimes I fear I let Angel have too much fun." He answered.

I quirked an eyebrow. "Right." I said.

The unmasked Ghost Face opened a fluorescent car door for me. I climbed into the sports car and looked around at the brand new interior. Danny came around the side to get into the driver's seat.

"Wow, it was hard to see last week in the dark." I crossed my arms again and looked around the car.

"Yeah." Danny replied shyly.

I watched him intently as he stepped on the brake pedal and put the car into drive.

"So... where is Angel exactly?" I piped up.

"Uh, at home... with her parents." Danny swallowed.

"Oh, right." I nodded before looking out the window.

I watched trees and parked cars move by out the window as Danny drove smoothly down the street. Unlike last week we're we nearly died I'd say at least ten times.

"Where're we going?" I asked.

"You'll see, sweetie." The man smiled.

Sooner than later, Danny parked the car by... the lake.

"Oh, the lake?" I said.

"Yeah, I thought it would be nice."

I smiled before pulling myself out of the low sports car with a grunt.

"Well, you thought right!"

Danny chuckled softly to himself. "That's good to hear, my love." He smiled, holding his hand out for me.

I gently entangled my fingers with his, them moulding together perfectly as if we had been doing this for years before.

We walked down a small hill to be greeted by the murky lake water. We gazed up at the twinkling stars above in the inky sky. The black canvas was adorned with the burning stars and smudged with small wispy clouds. I didn't know why but it felt familiar. That feeling of things being familiar and that sharp deja vu had become but a dull headache. I didn't remember anything but I knew that I had visions. I wished I could remember but when I tried to think it was just all blank and gone. But I knew that they were there. Something was going on even though I was left fumbling for what it was.

I gazed upon the starry sky, eyes locked on a particularly large and bright light. I lifted my arm up and pointed my finger up at it.

"You see that, Danny? That's Venus!" I exclaimed.

Danny didn't say anything or move from his spot next to me for a few moments. I lowered my arm back to my side and peered at him in the dark. I watched his brown eyes turn glassy as he looked on in something that almost seemed like shock. At first I thought he was dying or something. But then I felt it too. That overwhelming feeling of deja vu.

The lake... the stars... Venus... when? When did this happen?


He answered with my own name.

How The Angel Fell: Ghost Face x Reader (DBD)Where stories live. Discover now