The Aftermath

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The Ghost Face's knife clattered to the ground at my feet. He stared helplessly up at me, him remaining his straddling position on top of Derek Grey's bloody corpse. My hand slid off his leather clad shoulder and found itself back at my side.

"It's over." I whispered, more to myself than anything.

I heard Danny let out a raspy exhale from behind his pale white mask. He shakily erected to his feet, glaring down at the mutilated corpse he created. I glanced around the quiet country road rather awkwardly. The black mercenary van followed by Danny's old car were in shambles. They had been torn to shit beyond recognition. Hell, so was Derek and all his mercenaries' bodies that laid around...


Mercenaries' bodies. At first I was looking around to figure out what Danny and I were going to do. Seriously, what were we going to do? We were in the middle of butt fuck nowhere, our vehicle had shit itself, Danny had been shot multiple times, I was on the verge of going into a long term coma... the works. But now I've realised that there was around half a dozen dead bodies strewn across the road alongside Derek's.

Where did they all come from?

The van, obviously.

"Danny...?" I started. I noticed many guns littered around the bodies. Rifles, pistols, shotguns, an AK-47... "the mercs... how did you manage to kill them all by yourself? Their guns... did you get shot again?" I asked worriedly.

I skimmed over Danny's dark shroud, trying to spot anymore bullet holes or crimson blood that had splashed onto it. The Ghost Face lifted up his mask off over his face and held it at his side.

"By 'myself'?" He cocked his head to the side.

Upon closer inspection, I found that there were no bullet shells anywhere. No sign of bullets being fired whatsoever. Plus, I would've probably woken up sooner from the deafening noise of them leaving their barrels. I was crouched down slightly with my hands on my thighs. I narrowed my eyes as I inspected the AK on the grass next to its fallen owner.

"What happened to all their bullets?" I asked my killer boyfriend.

From behind me, I could hear the broken van's back doors being pulled open.

"Hey, bestie!" I heard a teenage girl say from behind me.

I twirled around in surprise to face the owner of the voice. Sure enough, there stood Angel. The girl who was younger than me and still managed to save my arse back there in the warehouse. The sixteen year old who managed to steal trained mercenaries' bullets from their own guns. But I could that Angel too was trained. No way that a regular teen girl like herself could've done what she did back there without some intense training.

"Angel!" I greeted.

The black haired girl jumped off the van and came running over to where Danny and I resided. She flung her skinny arms around my torso and gave it a firm squeeze.

"I missed you so, so much!" Angel giggled.

"Oh! Thank you, Angel. That's very sweet. I missed you too." I chirped back nervously.

The younger girl's grip on me tightened and she rested her head against my shoulder. Her very long braid was draped around my neck as she laid against me.

"You all good, honey?" I uttered to the girl.

Danny smirked softly at the scene before him. He folded his arms and watched the fellow black haired snuggle closer into me.

"Yeah, can we just...? Can we just stay like this for a few more moments...? Please?" Angel murmured shyly against me.

"Uh, yeah. Sure, girl. That's fine. You're all good." I reassured, giving her bony back a few pats.

I glanced over at Danny in hopes for him to give me an answer to Angel's actions. His eyes were instead averted, glassy as if they were slick with tears. I furrowed my brow and kept my arms wrapped around the teen, staring confusingly at Danny. Angel broke away from my embrace a few moments later, brushing off her dusty pink tank top and clearing her throat.

"Angel, sweetie?" Danny began. My eyebrows rose up high. "Would you wanna go get the car?" He added.

Angel looked up at the killer for her to then nod her head obediently.

"Yeah! All good." She jabbed a thumb behind her to the crashed van. "I put the keys in the back of that van. I'll just quickly go grab them." She dashed back over to the van and hopped right through the back doors.

"Car?" I sputtered, hope sparking within me.

"Yeah, Angel drove one out here. It's parked on the side of the road behind those trees." Danny lazily pointed to some sturdy oak trees up ahead.

"Oh, thank god." I breathed.

The Ghost Face gently grabbed my hand and began to lead me up the road.

"So," he said.

"Yes?" I smirked.

"Ya still like me after all this?" Danny asked.

My eyes met his. They soon wandered down to his shroud in the moonlight. The bright white moon illuminated the bloody bandages that were wrapped snug around his various wounds.

"Are you kidding? You saved my life, Danny." I said lovingly.

I stopped walking and we found ourselves standing there in the middle of the ancient road in the darkness that nonexistent passing cars had forgot about. I stepped closer to the Ghost Face and wrapped my arms around his neck. I pulled him into a kiss that he instantly melted into. My fingers entangled with his hair as his wandering hands glided down my back. Danny made a small hum into the kiss that buzzed down my throat. I broke away slightly for air but he was quick to dive right back in. Another hum left him as his hands danced around my backside even more. I broke away again with a smug grin plastered on my face.

"Just don't go lying to me again, ghosty."

"Yes, dear." The Ghost Face replied curtly.

My arms around his neck stayed just as secure as his that were on my waist. I shook my head in disbelief.

"I'm such an idiot." I then dove in for another kiss.

How The Angel Fell: Ghost Face x Reader (DBD)Where stories live. Discover now