The Crash

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My eyes twitched to side to side. A loud noise scratched at the back of my brain which I could only describe as a booming bang. This was wrong. This was all wrong. That wasn't how it was. She wasn't there when Danny and I got married...

A shiver struck me and ran down my spine. I found myself in the fog again.

"Brr..." I rubbed my arms furiously, trying to flatten the goosebumps forming on my flesh.

The Entity stood tall before me in a cluster of legs like a biblical angel. It screeched out a feral roar of anger. I felt an inhuman strength deep within me. The spidery leg I had snapped off earlier dangled limply in the air. Voices wafted through my ears. Distorted memories and jumbled up timelines littered my mind.

"No... everything's wrong." I whimpered.

All I knew for sure in that moment was that the Entity had Angel.

She wasn't there when Danny and I got engaged, or married. I just remembered things wrong sometimes. She wasn't born yet.

"She's mine, not yours. If you don't give her back, I'll hurt you again." I yelled at the Entity.

It hissed and swung a leg down to strike me.

"You can't have her...! You—can't—HAVE HER!" I screamed.

I leaped out of the way as the Entity continued its attack on me.

A single tear rolled down my face as I held the baby in my arms. She cooed softly and her tiny hand grabbed my thumb. Danny was beside me and was crying himself.

I opened my mouth to say something. "What're we gonna—?"

I screamed in agony and clutched my head. The Entity crackled out a devilish chuckle and let it echo throughout my ears. It played the memory through my eyes like a movie. My eyes wouldn't close as they flickered inhumanly. They flashed with bright colours and memories and archives.

Danny gently took the newborn from my arms and cradled her. His dark eyes stared lovingly down at her. The baby's eyes cracked open to peek up at him. Her eyes were dark brown just like his.

Danny said somebody's name, must've been the baby's name. I didn't remember.

I widened my eyes as I heard the pitter patter of young feet behind me.

"Angel? That you...?"


Danny slammed on the gas pedal, barely taking his boot off it for even a second. We zoomed down the quiet country road with a big black van hot on our trail. I gripped the grab handle above the car door window tightly in my sweaty hand. I silently prayed to any god that would listen that we would get out of this alive.

"Dear God. Danny, slow down." I urged for the thousandth time that night.

"I'm sorry, love. But I can't." The unmasked Ghost Face answered.

The car kept going strong down the road. Derek's van behind us began to slow. Just as we thought we were about to get away, a loud bang sounded through the car. A rain of bullets shattered the rear window, creating a storm of glass raining over us.

"Duck!" I shrieked.

I threw my head down and put it between my legs. Danny tried to do the same but had to keep his hands on the wheel and eyes on the road. He ducked as much as he could, but not enough.

My boyfriend cried out in agony as hot blood immediately began to gush from his left shoulder.

"Fuck!" I yelled.

How The Angel Fell: Ghost Face x Reader (DBD)Where stories live. Discover now