The Attack

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I turned on my heel and headed back down the hall. Anxiety overwhelmed my whole body with a heated pain. My temples burned but were cold with sweat all the same. Blood pumped through my veins until I felt it pulsating right to my fingertips. Danny called me by my name and I could hear him getting off of Derek and rising to his feet. He called my name again then again, sounding more and more desperate each time. I picked up my pace until my bare feet were slapping against the dusty concrete in a full run.

"No." I whimpered tearfully.

"Please wait! Let me explain!" Danny shouted and then said my name again.

"You lied to me!" I cried.

I didn't dare look back as I found myself at the top of the creaky staircase.

"No! Don't go! It's not safe out there!" Danny yelled.

I didn't listen and continued down the stairs with a fogged up mind. As I got to the bottom of the stairs, Danny's voice grew louder and more viscous. He was now at the top of the stairs, and I walked to the warehouse's front doors. Danny angrily watched me walk over and yelled my name a final time like a parent scolding their child. I froze in place the moment I reached for the door handle.

"Get back here right now." Danny growled.

My hand shook in fear then slowly lowered down back to my side. I bowed my head and still didn't turn to look up at Danny.

"I mean it. Get back over here right now." I slowly turned back around and began to walk up the stairs with my tail between my legs. "Good." Danny praised lovingly.

I stared down at my feet when I reached the top and didn't meet his gaze. I lifted my head a little to look down the hall, seeing Derek unconscious at the end of it.

"Darling," I heard Danny say.

I lifted my head in alert but turned it away from him, avoiding his black eyes as much as I could. I screwed my own eyes shut, causing hot tears to gush out onto my cheeks.

"Hey, sweetheart...?" Danny cooed again. My shoulders trembled as soft sobs wracked my body. "Oh, no. Darling, please don't cry." He uttered softly.

My sobs echoed down the hallway as I held my face in my hands, hunched and turned away from Danny. The killer said my name again in a poor attempt to comfort me.

"I'm so sorry." he said. I sniffled and sucked in a wet breath while wiping my tears away with the back of my hand. "Sweetie, please don't cry. I'm not gonna hurt you, I promise." Said Danny gently.

I breathed heavily, my chest heaving as I spiralled into hysteria. Danny's eyes widened and he grabbed my shoulders to whirl me around and face him finally. I met his gaze at last, tears dribbling down my face and meeting in the middle of the bottom of my chin then dropping to the ground. I didn't resist as I felt myself began to shake all over as I tried to catch a breath. I inhaled and exhaled as fast as I could with sobs in between. Danny said my name again for the hundredth time that night.

"You're having a panic attack again. Oh, shit. Baby, I'm so sorry. Here, breathe with me now." Danny explained. His grip on my shoulders tightened and he stared into my teary eyes worriedly. "Slow, deep breaths, honey. Slow." He said as if he had done this with me many times before.

He said as if he had done this with me many times before.

The Ghost Face and I explored empty realms sometimes. I spent most days tucked away in our home while he was on trials, so he liked to take me out for 'fresh' air. The Ghost Face would never let me go off by myself no matter what. The moment the man saw me that one fateful trial, his perverted obsession over me began. The Ghost Face was shamelessly awestruck and followed me like a freedmen would his mighty emperor. He was subtle at first but when he shedded his mask, I saw the devoted flame in his dead eyes that laid there just for me.

The blood, sweat and most of all tears he poured into his desperate love for me. I made the merciless Ghost Face pathetic. He was weak and on his knees for me like I was the Entity itself.

Poor little lovesick boy.

I didn't understand why he felt like this about me from the very beginning. The Ghost Face devoted all his time in appeasing the Entity, just for it to merely consider freeing me to him. To let him take me away from all the trials and survivors and killers. To keep me where he resided in between it all, hidden safely in his bed. In his bed naked, and the Entity's present for him to unwrap.

I thought the Ghost Face was a bad, bad man. A man that should've been in jail for all the carnage he brought on the world before he was brought here. But that didn't stop me from falling for him. I myself was on my knees, completely and miserably in love with the man. I yearned for every night I slept on his chest after he had his way. The feeling of real leather grazing under my palms as he kissed me.

The way he cared about me and only me.

So when I got lost that one night in the still realm, I wept.

I sat under an old tree and cried and cried into my hands, sure that another killer would find me soon enough. I had looked everywhere for the Ghost Face. I went behind a brick wall to examine a generator for just a moment and when I looked over, he had vanished in a blink. After calling his name and searching every nook and cranny, I was sure I had been abandoned. What if he decided that enough was enough? What if he finally realised that I wasn't as good as he thought? That I truely was just like everyone else?

My breathing quickened and my sobs wouldn't stop.

When the Ghost Face finally found me, he was just as distraught. He practically shouted my name and scooped me up like I weighed nothing. He uttered apologies for letting me get out of his sight over and over.

"You will never leave my side again, darling."

The Ghost Face soothed me in that deep rich voice of his. Cooed at me that it was alright even though he was spooked himself for losing me for so long. Telling me to breath, to slow down and focus on him.

"You're having a panic attack, sweetheart. Just breathe with me, okay?"

My breathing finally slowed down, but far too slow. My eyes rolled back and I felt myself falling. Danny caught me before I hit the hard concrete, immediately pulling me close to him like a baby. I could hear him say things to me but they were incoherent as I felt myself fading away. As I was dragged into a wicked slumber, spider-like legs welcomed me like open arms.

How The Angel Fell: Ghost Face x Reader (DBD)Where stories live. Discover now