The Diner

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Darkness swirled around me. I moaned softly, trying to collect my thoughts. The fog was freezing, black and dastardly. I couldn't see anything, not even my body below. The spidery claws were away from me now and my yelling at them had stopped.

Give her back! Give her back to us! Give me back my—!

I could feel my body turn sharply before my head slammed into what felt like a window.

"Oh!" I yelped.

My eyes ripped open from my slumber to find myself in the passenger seat of a car. The car was going ridiculously fast, barely slowing down at corners. Another sharp turn. My head hit the car door window again.

No other than the Ghost Face was in the driver's seat.

"Hey, babe! Glad to see you're awake!" The unmasked Ghost Face beamed.

"Danny!" I roared.

"What the hell is going on?" I snapped.

I looked out the front window at the nightlife. We were speeding around downtown in Danny's battered old car.

"It's a little hard to explain, sweetness." The Ghost Face replied.

Cars on the other side of the road honked loudly at the Ghost Face as we zoomed past. Pedestrians dove out of the way as his car approached, not hitting the brakes for anybody.

"Jesus Christ, Danny! Slow down!" I demanded.

"I can't! Look in the rearview mirror." Danny instructed.

I did as I was told and saw two black cars chasing after us at extreme speeds as well. People screamed and fled the bustling streets, trying to shield themselves from us. Cars swerved out of the way as we approached, followed by honks and angry yells. The black cars behind began to gain on us.

"Who are these people?" I asked.

"Derek's guys." Said Danny.

"For the love of god, Danny!" I exclaimed.

We continued speeding down the road, a red traffic light up ahead. 'Derek's guys' were close, one vehicle behind the other. Confused civilians looked on, filming and pointing. We were coming up towards a car at the crimson traffic light.

"Red light." I said. Danny didn't slow down. "Danny, red light." I repeated. Danny stepped on the gas.


I screamed as we sped on through, oncoming traffic swerving out of the way.

"Oh, my god. Oh, my god. Oh, my god!" I shrieked.

I shielded my eyes and begged for mercy as all I could hear was tires screeching to a stop followed by blaring horns.

I unshielded my eyes. Danny's eyes were trained on the rearview mirror, the black cars hot on our tail.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" I barked.

I broke Danny out of his trance.

"Wha?" Danny sounded like he was a child being scolded my his mother.

"You—you!" I grabbed my face and tried to focus.

The car was zooming down the roads of downtown. The mercenaries behind us wanted us dead. The old radio blasted out some cheesy K-pop song. It was that band that Rhonda loved. What? NO SPIN? Yes, that was it.

"You—you lied to me!" I yelled over the overwhelming ambiance. Danny had slowed down a bit now; going eighty kilometres. "You were the Ghost Face all along!" I sputtered out something that almost sounded like a laugh.

We had lost the mercenaries, they were nothing but a small glint in the sea of cars. Danny was going sixty five.

"You killed—you traumatised me." I said lowly.

I looked at the rearview mirror, all clear.

Danny stared dead ahead, both hands on the wheel.

"They'll find us again. In the meantime, let's get you something to eat. You must be starving." He finally said.

I looked on in disbelief.

"Are you serious? You're just gonna dodge it? You're impossible! Was this your plan all along? You gonna kill me now?" I shouted.

Danny didn't look at me. Tears spluttered from my eyes.

"Well?" I choked out.

Danny said my name. "I would never hurt you." He uttered.

His deep brown eyes bored holes into me. I opened my mouth to say something but nothing came out.

"Please, please just let me get you something to eat. I'll explain everything then, okay?" Danny pleaded in the darkness of the car.

He hesitantly set his gloved hand on my arm. A groan left me.

"Okay, fine."

Danny took me to some 24/7 fifties themed diner. The waitresses and customers looked at us strangely. Danny was in his Ghost Face getup minus the mask and hood. There he sat across from me in our booth, clad head to toe in leather. I was still in my pyjamas, grotty and bloody followed by no shoes.

I scarfed down my food before chugging down some much needed water.

"Oh, my god. I am so hungry. Food is so good." I muttered through mouthfuls.

I focused down at my plate before me, simply enjoying my meal. I couldn't care less what anybody else thought. Because when your boyfriend was the Ghost Face, you had been abducted by mercenaries then nearly killed by them for two days straight, and you haven't eaten or drank anything all the while, people's opinions were the least of your problems.

"You—you feeling any better?" Danny asked nervously, watching me ravish my meal.

"Yeah, I'm fine—!" I gasped loudly and dropped my fork.

People around looked at me judgementally.

"Where's Angel?" I gaped.

"What?" Danny said.

"Angel! The girl—the girl that killed all those mercs! She... where is she? Is she okay?" I urged.

Danny held up his hands in the air. "She's fine. She's okay. Everything's fine, okay? Just breathe and try to slow down." He reassured.

I narrowed my eyes at him. "Why're you being so reasonable? You're a serial killer." I snapped.

"Shh!" Danny shushed, looking around the diner. "Will you keep it down?" He asked.

"I slept with you. On the first fucking date! All the while you were off—stabbing people!" I whispered angrily.

"I understand that you're upset—!"

"Upset?! Dear god, Danny." I flailed, again dropping my fork loudly onto the plate.

"I think you might need some sleep, sweetheart."

"Sweetheart? You're still pulling that card on me?" I said.

"Of course. I really like you, okay? Look, I'm sorry I lied to you. I really am. Believe me, I wanted to tell you but I just couldn't." Danny explained. I let out a breath I didn't realise I was holding, my shoulders slackening with it. "It's just—it's gotten really bad, okay? We need to stick together. Grey wants me dead, and now he's using you against me." Danny sighed. I bit my lip. "You gotta let me protect you. Please." He pleaded.

"You're a maniac." I shook my head in disbelief.

"I know, but I really like you." He brooded. I smiled sadly at him across the booth. "I told you all those weeks ago that I was gonna catch the Ghost Face, and I wanted you to help me. You wanna help the Ghost Face get outta this mess now? You in?" Danny grinned.

I rolled my eyes with my own sluggish grin.

"Let's do it."

How The Angel Fell: Ghost Face x Reader (DBD)Where stories live. Discover now