The Encounter

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The front door opened with a sturdy creak of pain as I pushed it open. I breathed in the untouched air of my house and stepped in, shutting and locking the door behind me. I walked through my home as silently as I could because it felt like I was disturbing its peace and quiet. The warm sun glimmered through the windows and onto me, giving me a golden hour glow. The beams of light revealed dust floating through the air passively in the warm room. I frowned at said room, and continued on to my bedroom. I let out a puff of air I didn't realise I was holding and turned the corner to reveal by bedroom.

My heart sank down to my stomach until I felt the need to throw it back up.

My bed that I had left messy was now neatly made with a single note left on the blanket. All my drawers and cupboards were open, exposing my clothes that had been looked through. The Ghost Face had been here... I felt a hot flash strike at my head as a blaze of anger and fear ran through me. I stormed over to the bed and snatched the note off it.

Welcome home. XOXO

The words felt more passive aggressive than welcoming. I huffed and gripped the sides of the paper until they crumbled slightly. I threw my arms down away from my face and looked away, trying not to cry. The windowpane I had placed back into its frame was now back out and propped up against the wall again. I dropped the note back on the bed and glanced at the rest of my room. My underwear drawer had nearly been yanked out of the whole nightstand, underwear hanging over the side of the drawer. I wanted to cringe, had the Ghost Face stolen a pair?

I crouched down in front of the nightstand and scavenged through the drawer. I dug my hand under the garments and felt around the fabric to see whether or not some of them were missing.

I crouched down in front of the generator and scavenged through the wires. I dug my hand under some and connected them to see whether or not it would spark the generator to life.

Suddenly my eyes moved to side to side quickly without my control like nystagmus. I sat back on the floor and clutched my blurry head as I felt the freezing fog infecting me again.

"What's happening?" I almost groaned out.

I threw stray underwear back in the drawer and slammed it shut, causing my stuff on top of the nightstand to shake. I stood up from the floor and walked over the my closet. Some of my clothes had fallen off of shelves and onto the floor. Shirts and coats that were hanging up had clearly been looked through. I myself looked them over frantically.

"What did he do...? What did he do?" I whispered to myself fearfully, wildly searching the room for anything that was missing.

Nothing I could think of was gone. All except the pocketknife I had threatened the Ghost Face with on our first encounter. I shut the closet door with a groan, it slamming closed a bit by accident. I turned around to storm out of my room to look through the rest of the house to see if the Ghost Face had stolen anything. Just as I exited the room, I felt a gloved hand wrap around my throat and slam me into the wall. I screamed bloody murder when my eyes were met with those of the Ghost Face. He let go of my throat and used the same hand to cup over my mouth.

I screamed into the killer's hand and tried to bite it through the thick leather of his glove. His strong frame overpowered my own and pressed himself flush against it. I was sandwiched tight against the Ghost Face and the wall, breathing wildly through his hand. I stopped struggling now and just stared at his mask wide eyed. I could hear his heavy breathing from behind it simmer down as I could only guess he was staring into my eyes. The Ghost Face tucked a stray hair behind my ear creepily and loosened his grip on my mouth. Slowly but surely, his hand slid away from my face and onto my waist.

The Ghost Face continued to stroke my hair with another hand, gripping my waist tightly. I leaned against the wall helplessly as I waited for his next move.

"What do you want?" My voice was hardly above a whisper but he still heard it.

The Ghost Face's mask stared at my features for quite some time before I got a reply. The man's hand slid out of my hair and onto my shoulder, then down to snake around my waist with the other.

"I'm not here to hurt you, doll face." The Ghost Face rasped out by my ear.

I felt him slip something cold into my hand before he slivered away. The man walked into my room , me immediately speeding after him. The Ghost Face grabbed the side of the windowsill and hoisted himself up onto the frame.

"Wait, wait!" I called for him. He remained perched on the windowsill and looked back at me. "Why? Why me? I don't understand." I demanded.

The Ghost Face carefully jumped off the windowsill and approached me menacingly. My heart skipped a beat when he got so close, I could hear his soft breathing. He let out a chuckle by my ear before cupping my cheek.

"It's 'cause I think you're pretty." The killer replied casually.

He whipped back around and started for the window again.

"What?" I sputtered bashfully.

The Ghost Face vaulted through the window without any more remarks and was gone just like that in broad daylight. I looked down at my hand that he had slipped the cold item into. I uncurled my fingers and laid my hand out flat to examine the object.

My pocketknife laid there in the palm of my hand, my name now carved into the wooden handle followed by a love heart.

"I think it's about time I moved back now."

"What?!" Kim slammed her fist onto the kitchen table, the orange juice in her glass rippling.

"Thank you for letting me stay here. I owe you one."

"You can't leave! We've had so much fun!" Kim argued.

I looked at her strangely. "Last night, you told me, 'I feel bad for the sorry bastard that raised you 'cause you're impossible to live with.'"

"Those weren't my exact words."

"I highly disagree."

"Okay, well I was just playing around! You've said worse. We really like you here." Kim smiled playfully and I shot a smirk back.

"That's really sweet, but I think I'm ready. It's been over a fortnight."

"Rhonda's not gonna like this." Kim folded her arms and leaned back in her chair.

"What am I not gonna like?" Rhonda appeared in the doorway, tying her black dreads into a bun lazily with her oversized NO SPIN band tee on.

"They're moving back, Rhonda." Kim said.

"No!" Rhonda stopped tying her hair and let it fall to her shoulders.

I jumped in place at her loud outburst and clutched my heart. "Jesus, Rhonda. It's not like I'm kicking you out."

Kim honked her horn at me after dropping me off home, then she drove off down the road. I smiled and waved after seeing Rhonda waving at me through the window. I slung a bag over my shoulder and fumbled with my keys to unlock the door. I hadn't told anybody about my Ghost Face encounter I had the other day yet (or what happened at me and Danny's dinner). I couldn't believe that I was actually moving back in after it but yet here I was. My keys jingled merrily in my hand as I groped for the house key. I crammed said key into the keyhole and twisted it until I heard the lock in the door click open.

The door groaned open and I stepped into my house. I let out a content sigh and carried my luggage to my room.

"Good to be—oh, my god!" My luggage hit the living room floor.

There with his legs crossed and newspaper in hand, the Ghost Face was casually sitting on the couch.

"Hey, babe! Welcome home."

How The Angel Fell: Ghost Face x Reader (DBD)Where stories live. Discover now