The Note

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The sun beamed through the blinds and settled on my sleeping form. As I slowly woke up from my drunken slumber, the morning sun painted the inside of my eyelids a lively orange. I grunted softly and cracked my eyes open painfully. I sat up from the bed I was in and let out a long groan while clutching my head. I looked around the bedroom and got worried when I couldn't recognise it.

Well, there's no guy sleeping next to me. That's a good sign...

The whopping headache I had wasn't one though. It took all of my strength to pull myself off of the bed and walk over to the door. As I walked down the hallway of this house, it was then that realised that I was just still at Carlton's. I walked through the quiet house to only spot Kim and Rhonda asleep cuddled together on the couch. I smiled tiredly at the couple and continued on to find the kitchen. The smell of bacon along with the sound of it sizzling roused my attention as I walked back down the hall again. As I walked back past the room I had woken up in, I spotted something.

A note.

I furrowed my brows and snatched the paper off the nightstand. I sat my butt back down on the unmade bed and hoped that I could actually get back up again.

Don't drink so much next time. I would hate for you to hurt yourself. XOXO

"What the hell?" I scoffed and threw it back on the nightstand, thinking it was from a drunken Rhonda or something.

I carefully got up, trying not to jostle anything and hurt my head. I followed the smell of the greasy breakfast again and finally found myself in the kitchen.

"Morning, Carlton." I grumbled after seeing he was fresh as a daisy.

"Morning, sunshine! Wild time last night, huh? I hope the bed was fine." Carlton gave me a lazy smile and flipped a pancake.

"Yeah, it was great, dude. The bed was good too. Thanks for putting me there." I pulled up a chair and sat at the table clutching my aching head.

Carlton made a face. "I didn't put you there. I don't know who did. We all went to bed shortly after you did. We all just thought you went there yourself."

"Huh... I don't remember getting there." I trailed.

"Do you remember much from last night?" Carlton smirked.

"Well... I remember you singing real bad. I think it all got blurry after I left the shed. I must've just went in and looked for a bed. Sorry about that."

"Hey! We were good, okay?" Carlton argued while we chuckled quietly.

The man handed me a plate of breakfast and sat down next to me.

"Thank you." My mind then drifted back to last night.

I didn't remember what happened at all. I wouldn't of just walked off into Carlton's house, would I? And the note was strange too.

Kim and Rhonda woke up shortly after and joined us at the table for breakfast. Kim was a little sick but Rhonda was way worse, her being a lightweight and all. I asked them all about the note and even showed them it when they didn't believe me.

"None of us wrote that, man. The whole time we were here nobody went into your room." Kim clutched her head and didn't seem to care about it much.

Rhonda slowly took the note from my grasp and inspected it in her perfectly manicured hands. "You don't think it was from..." Rhonda met my eyes.

Suddenly my stomach sank and the pain I was already feeling in it became worse. My eyes widened and I stormed out of the kitchen to the closest bathroom. I pushed the sweaty hair that stuck to my face away and kneeled in front of the toilet. I heard three sets of footsteps approaching the locked door.

Rhonda called my name. "Are you okay in there?" She asked.

"Yeah... guess the note was right, huh? I'm so hungover." I replied before retching my breakfast out into the toilet.

I heard nervous laughter from outside the door. I was sweating balls and my whole body was trembling. I was afraid to say it but I knew I had to admit it to myself.

"I think you're right, Rhonda."

I brought the note into work with me on Monday and showed it to Danny.

"Are you sure? Where did you find this? Are you sure your friends weren't just playing a prank on you?" He riddled me with questions.

I sat across from Danny in the empty room at my work now reserved for us.

"They know how much this Ghost Face thing has affected me. I find it hard to believe that they would do something like this. They all sweared they didn't do it and nobody went into my room that whole night. But we were all really drunk. So maybe somebody did it while blacked out? I know that I was..." I rubbed my arm and looked away.

"I'm not doubting you at all, honey. I just hope it's not true. I wanna know that you're safe." Danny told me.

I felt myself begin tear up without even realising it. "God, I'm sorry." I was quick to wipe at my tears that were rolling down my cheeks.

"Don't be sorry, sweetheart." Danny cooed and stood from his seat to then walk around the desk. "Hey, come here." The man stood before me and held his arms out.

I stood too and wrapped my arms around his back and leaned against his chest. I cried softly into his shirt while his hand ran through my hair. Déjà vu hit me. I was reminded of my interview about Ashley Stanley. I had began to cry over her murder and Danny came over to hug me. Another foggier version of déjà vu then struck me like a sharp knife.

"It's okay. You're safe now, I promise." The hooded figure held me close and comforted me as I cried.

"Thank you." I squeaked as he stroked my tearstained cheeks.

The hooded man paused and stared at me eerily. He gripped my waist with one hand and stroked my cheek still with his other almost lovingly.

"You're finally all mine."

My foggy eyes opened and I shoved Danny away in confusion.

"You okay?" He was quick to attend to my needs.

"I—yeah. I'm sorry, I'm fine. I just—I don't know. Something just happened." I rubbed my eyes.

What was that?

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