Chapter 4

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Krist's POV
"So..." I said hesitantly, peeking at the man sitting opposite of me.

"Have you done your unpacking yet?"

"I'm not really done yet. I just arrived a while ago."

"Do you need help? I can help you if you want. I'm free anyways."

What the hell are you talking about, Kit?!

"It's alright, I can manage it myself."

"Really? I'll be glad to help."

Stop, Kit!

"Maybe you can come over in the evening? I think it would be great to treat something to my new neighbour."

"Y-yeah, that would be great." I looked up and saw him staring at me, smiling brightly as my cheeks heated slightly under his intense gaze.

"It's a date then." He said and I was stunned for a moment.


"Yes, date. Between newly met friends and neighbours." I blushed even harder thinking how dumb I was to misunderstand his choice of words.

"Y-yeah, as new friends and neighbours."

"Then let's meet at my place in a few hours." He said and stood up,"I need to go now. Better clean up my place a little to not embarrass myself in front of you with my messy house."

"S-sure." I quickly followed him, leading him to the door.

"See you later then."

"You too."

He then left and I closed the door, leaning on it.


I wasn't expecting this at all.

What should I do for this supposed date? I couldn't go there empty handed. And at that moment, I'd decided to bake something for the both of us since I'm quite good at baking.

I'm gonna impress him.

Singto's POV
What did I just do?

I haven't even started unpacking at all. It'll be a mess and he's definitely gonna have bad impressions of me.

I was quite deep in my own thoughts while unpacking when I heard a loud pang and someone hissing in pain. I'm sure it's Krist and yes, the sound insulation effect in this apartment is bad. But luckily, I remembered to soundproof my office at home so as to not disturb my neighbours when I am working.

I instantly went out of my apartment to my neighbour's door, standing in front of it before knocking it reluctantly.

"Krist? Are you alright?" I speak out rather loudly, hoping that he could hear me.

"Huh?" I heard his confused voice and chuckled at that adorable sound.

"I'm outside."

"O-oh, wait a minute!" He half-yelled and I heard hurried footsteps before the door in front of me was opened.

"What happened, Krist? I heard that you were in pain."

"I'm fine. I just accidentally burnt my hand when I tried to take out the cookie tray from the oven." He muttered and I looked down just to see his pale, porcelain skin had already turned reddish.

"That doesn't look fine to me. Come." I held his other hand, dragging him to my place. I wasn't actually sure what I'm doing and was just acting through my instincts.

"It's alright, I can manage it myself." He tried to resist my hold but my grasp was firm on him and I stopped in front of my door.

"What are you gonna do with your hand?"

"I'm gonna rinse it under tap water."


"And continue with my other stuff?"

"I can't believe you don't even know basic first aid. Come with me, I'll help you. Oh, and did you turn off your oven?"

"Yes, I have." Hearing that, I led him to my place and made him rinse his hand as I rummaged through the boxes, finding my first aid kit.

"Sit here." I took the kit with me and I gestured to him to take a seat.

"Ahh." He gasped the moment I applied some ointment on his hand and his cheeks reddened under my gaze.

"It has some cooling effect on it."

"Okay." I continued applying the ointment, leaning really close to him and I could inhale his soothing scent with every breath.

"So... You're baking just now?"

"Umm, yeah. I was thinking of baking something to give you. You know? For this evening."

"You don't have to actually."

"Well, I think it's not good to visit empty handed so..."

"Then... What did you make?" I asked while keeping the ointment and first aid kit back to its place.

"It's a surprise." He said, giggling slightly and I saw his dimple.

"You have a dimple."

"Yeah, only one though."

"It's... It's cute. I like your dimple."

"T-thanks." I stared at him as he started lowering his head and I saw his pinkish ears.

"Since I'm here and done with baking, I can perhaps help you?"


"I insist." He said as his eyes sparkled with persistence.

"You can help me with something simple then."

With that, we began unpacking and arranging my stuffs while occasionally chatting with each other.

"P'Sing, what do you wanna have for dinner?" He asked while looking out of the window as the sky was turning dark. From our conversation throughout the whole afternoon, I'd found out that he's younger than me by one year.

"Maybe we can have some take outs? Since I don't know how to cook."

"Well, I can cook..."

"But I don't want to trouble you anymore. It must be exhausting for you to help me."

"Let's have some pizza then." He said, taking out his phone from his pocket to place the orders.

After having pizza and the cookies he baked, I started to persuade him to go back home.

"Krist, I think you should go home and rest now."

"But I still have some time."

"It's alright, you need some rest. You have work tomorrow, remember?" I said and he nodded slightly.

"Alright then, I'll be going." He started packing up his stuff before following me to the door.

"Goodbye, P'." He said the moment he got out of my house and stood in front of his door.

"Krist." I called out when he stuck his key into the keyhole.


"Today... I really enjoyed today. Thank you."

"Me too, P'."

He whispers softly and immediately dashed into his apartment as I chuckled at his cute reaction.

My new neighbour...

He's cute.

Thanks for reading.

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