Chapter 20

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3rd Person's POV
The sunlight through the sheer curtains as the man still lying in bed groaned as he struggled to sit up.

"Arghh, why does my head hurt so bad?" He grumbled, massaging on his temples gently as he tried to recollect what happened yesterday. He was still in a daze as his hand, having its own mind, started scratching on his nape then to his chest.

"Did I drink alcohol?" Realisation dawned on him as he saw the rashes on his skin, mostly around his limbs and neck, and the itching sensation was so bad that he instantly got up from bed to seek for his medications. He'd always had mild allergies towards alcohol and the aftermath usually depends on how much he drank on the previous day. That's why he would avoid drinking but yesterday was an exception. When he was still digging through his drawer to find his medications, he heard a knock by the door and his mom came in with a tray consisting of some pills and a glass of lukewarm water.

"Kit, you're awake." Her voice was caring and delicate as she placed the tray by the bedside table.

"Mom... Good morning." Krist got up from the ground as he watched his mother sitting by the bed.

"Take your meds first and we'll talk." Her tone of voice was as usual but that was more frightening than if she lashed out at him. He knew he was at fault again and he obediently took his medication, gulping down the water while eyeing at his mother.

"You're done?" She asked with a raised eyebrow and he could only nod intently, "Great, let's go out then."

"G-go out?"

"Yes, your dad is waiting." She said before opening the door and went out with the tray in her hands, leaving Krist panicking in his room. It took him quite some time to finally calm his racing heart as he exited his room to face the inevitable.

"Dad." His voice was breathy as he greeted the man seated by the dining table with a newspaper in his hands and he was wearing his glasses lower on the bridge of his nose as he skimmed through the articles.

"You're here. Come and have breakfast." The way they treated him was eating Krist on the inside as he anxiously sat on the chair right opposite of his parents on the rectangular shaped dining table.

"Have some tea and honey, it might ease your hangover a little." His mother set down his mug by his hand and handed him a saucer.

"Thanks." He murmured, gulping slightly in fear as his mother placed some crackers on the plate. He remembered that when he was young, if he's doing something wrong, his mother would always serve something he hated for breakfast and for him, crackers for breakfast is beyond the pale.

"Eat up." His dad said and he reached out with shaking hands to grab the distasteful and unappetizing cracker. Taking a small bite of it already made him feel really miserable but his parents are still staring at him. He could only brace himself and continued munching on that yucky thing. When he was on his third cracker, his dad broke the silence.


He stopped biting and looked up from his saucer, with crumbles adorning the side of his lips, he grinned sheepishly while hoping his dad would let him off the hook.

"That's not gonna work."


"Shall I begin?" His dad said, pushing his glasses and Krist nodded at him.

"You'd been drunk yesterday and Singto was the one who got you home. But he told me he wasn't with you last night and you were already drunk when he bumped into you. Care to explain?"

"I was with him until around afternoon, I got a call from P'Jan and P'John. One of our colleagues couldn't attend an appointment with P'John and P'John had specifically requested that I am needed to take the colleague's place."

"Okay, then why are you drunk?"

"The appointment was held at a bar and they weren't allowing me to say no."

"I've already told you before that your employer is just a shameless rascal, didn't I? I'm also an entrepreneur, Kit and I mixed and mingled with the riches. I've met him in places and different occasions, I know how uncivilized he could be. Do you know what Singto told me? He was hesitating as he didn't really want you to get traumatized but he still told me about it as he was concerned for your safety. That bastard John tried to bring you back to his place and I'm sure you know what that means for a person uncouth as him." Krist was utterly shocked hearing the truth as he could only stare at the man with wide eyes.

"I..." He was implicitly speechless and his mother inched closer to him, bringing him into her arms.

"It's okay, Kit. We're here now." She whispers as he buries his face into her shoulder, inhaling her comforting and tender scent as he tries to get hold of himself. But tears were trickling in his eyes and he was trembling faintly.

"I'll call into your office for a sick leave. I'll tell them about your allergies so that they don't think too much." The older man sighed as he gazed at his child worriedly and the latter just simply nodded, not even lifting his head to face him. He knew this would actually happen one day but his son was too obnoxious to even follow his advice. It might be his fault too with how he approached the matter but now, he could only be there for Krist with whatever decision he made.

"I'll leave you to think about what you're gonna do next." And being the father, he knew Krist would need some time alone to think through. But nonetheless, he stood up from his chair and came to his wife and son, engulfing his loved ones into his warm embrace while muttering.

"You don't have to worry so much, Kit. Just do whatever you want. We got your back."

Hey guys, just wanna tell you that I won't be updating next week, just wanna take a rest and get some stuff done. That's it from me, thanks for reading and stay safe.

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