Chapter 17

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Krist's POV
I was sipping on my glass of milk when mom came in with P'Singto from outside and instantly choked on it. I've been avoiding him for a few weeks since he confronted me about my phasmophobia. It was quite embarrassing with how it happened.

Flashback Starts

We were in the middle of the game and the ghost in this match was really fierce and violent. His total activity was mostly on the scale of 9 to 10 and I was feeling really tense, trying to avoid being jumpscared or getting caught by him.

My character was walking past P'Singto's when I noticed that his character was standing at the same spot for too long. I lifted my gaze from the screen and saw P'Singto's intense gaze on me. A really unpleasant kind of gaze in fact.

I could feel goosebumps all over my arms and nape when his eyes widened as if he was possessed by something supernatural. I uncontrollably shuddered, feeling something behind me. I clutched onto the table cloth when he outstretched his arm out of the blue and pointed towards a direction behind me. My heartbeat was thudding aloud and my limbs were feeling stiff. I was still contemplating if I should move away when some shadow flashed right in front of my face and I instantly screamed out of my lungs, lunging myself to P'Singto as I grasped onto him in fear.


I couldn't stop yelling while flaunting my arms around, trying to chase away the so-called ghost from me when I felt a soft rumble against my chest and a rather gleeful chuckle.

"Calm down, Krist." He grabbed my wrist and held my hands in his warm ones as I stopped my scream, still trembling faintly in fright.

"There's no ghost here." He chuckled again, eyes glistening with amusement, "It's just a spider."

"J-just a spider?" I whispered. Although spiders are scary as well, ghosts are more terrifying.

"Yes, just a spider. There's nothing to be afraid of, I'll help get rid of it for you." He said before placing me to his seat as he stood up to clear off that spider and I was still trying to recollect myself from that immense shock. When he was done, I noticed my character was already dead and he took a seat in front of my laptop before he started speaking.

"So... you're afraid of ghosts?"

"NO!!!" I retorted him, giving a death glare but he was still smiling smugly.

That annoying brat.

"You should've said that..."

"I'm not afraid of ghosts." I exclaimed again.

"Yeah right!" I heard Mike mockingly chimed in and found out that I had accidentally unplugged my headset when I was panicking. And Mike being Mike started spouting about my fear of ghosts and his curiousity to why I even agreed to play this game, and I swiftly closed my laptop, dashing out of P'Singto's house in utter embarrassment.

Flashback Ends

That incident was too awkward and I'd avoid P'Singto since then. And now mom decided it's time for me to face him when I'm not ready at all.

"Hi, Krist." He greeted and took a seat beside me as I gulped on the glass of water dad gave me, stifling my cough.

"Hey." My voice was hoarse from all the coughing and I tried to clear my throat a little.

"You okay?"

"Yes." I said again, not looking at him as I shoved a piece of pancake into my mouth.

"Do you wanna hang out later?" He asked and I swallowed the pancake hard, staring at him with wide eyes.

"W-what do you mean?"

"Do you wanna go out and have fun together? It's been a while since we spent time together. You seem too busy lately." He muttered, gazing at me.

"...Okay." I nodded to him and saw his lips curving into a bright smile, and I couldn't help but grin sheepishly as well.

"Great, I'll come pick you up around noon. Maybe we can have lunch together, what do you say?"

"That would be great." I answered, eyes still on him and his were on me.

"I'll go get prepared then." He was about to get up when I tugged on his wrist, pulling him back.

"It's still too early to get prepared."

"No, it isn't." He stood up again and I pulled on the hem of his shirt.

"Just have breakfast with us before going."

"Okay then." And he finally sat back, drinking his cup of coffee and munched on his pancake. I averted my gaze from him and saw my parents eyeing us with an amused glint. I was confused for a moment and instantly blushed when my mom mouthed me a 'date'.

'No, it isn't.' I whispered in silence and she rolled her eyes at me.

'Yeah right.'

"I'm done!" P'Singto exclaimed as he placed his mug and utensils down, thanking my parents and left after bidding us goodbye.

"So... you guys are going on a date?" Mom inquired the moment the door closed.

"No, we aren't. It's just hanging out like normal friends."

"Right..." She teasingly eyed me and dad nudged her.

"Just don't go over the board, it's just your first date after all."

"Dad! We're not going on a date."

"No hand holding or sharing desserts either."

"But what if we can't finish one dessert."

"Then just don't order one."


"And no kisses." Dad glared at me and I huffed in annoyance.

What are they even thinking?

We're just normal friends going out to spend some time together.



... Right?

Thanks for reading. Stay safe.

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