Chapter 37

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3rd Person's POV
"Kit, your mom and I'd had decided that you and Singto should avoid appearing in public or in front of the media for at least a few days." Jack said as he came into Krist's office with a file.

"... Did something happened, dad?" Krist carefully asked, despite already knowing the outcome of them declaring their engagement or supposed marriage in front of the media.

"Our board members as well as the Ruangroj Enterprise's are already well-aware that Singto would be announcing the engagement yesterday and they didn't object it. Not that they would after knowing Singto would destroy the company's reputation in another way if they tried to object." Jack explained and he saw Krist widen in shock when he mentioned about Singto destroying his own company's prestigious name.

"The society, the people however, weren't that accepting." Jack continued and saw Krist lowering his head.

"I'm really sorry if our matter was causing a conundrum to you, dad."

"Kit, you're never a conundrum to us." Jack stepped closer to his son as he saw the boy clutching tightly on the paper that was now crumpled.

"But dad..." He lifted his eyes, gaze filled with worry and doubt, "What if whatever I am doing might cause a complicacy to you, mom, your company, and even to P'Singto and the Ruangroj Enterprise?"

"Nothing would happen, Kit. Get that in your mind and try to be happier will you, you're getting married soon." His dad teased and that instantly brought a smile to Kit's face.

"I still couldn't believe that P'Singto would propose to me..." He whispered.

"Why wouldn't he? My Kit is the best, it's his loss if he missed out." Jack winked playfully as he patted Krist's shoulder.

"I thought he wasn't ready yet... or he wasn't sure yet..." His smile brightened, even more, when he looked down at the ring on his finger, "But now, I know that we're both ready."

"That's great. But be prepared, Kit. This wouldn't be easy for both of you but we'll always be there for you." Krist nodded and his door was knocked before he saw his fiancée walk in.


"Uncle Jack." Singto greeted before his eyes fell on Krist and his gaze softened, "Kit."

"You're here." Clearing his throat, Jack went up to Singto and gave him a once over.

"Yes, ummm... I've a few things to discuss with Kit." Singto nervously answered as he chuckled dryly. He was still a little afraid of Jack and this might stay that way forever.

"Is it about the other announcement?"


"Are you sure, P'Sing? Why did you decide to do this all of the sudden?" Krist asked as he anxiously paced around the room. They were currently in Singto's place and both of them along with Tay are inside Singto's workroom.

"Yeah, don't you think that it would ignite too much chaos for such a short time?" Tay nodded as he doubtingly look at his friend.

"I just think that it's the best time right now, don't you think so?" Singto stared at the two as he tried to convince them.

"Nope, not at all." Krist immediately shook his head, hoping Singto would change his mind.

"This is the best chance to reveal it, Krist. It's better to say it ourselves than letting those paparazzi or whomever it is to find out and create a bigger mess in our life."

"But this is too much information at once, P'Singto. What if this move of yours will cause everything that you build so hard?" Krist took a step closer to Singto, eyes filled with worry.

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