Chapter 33

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Flashback Continues

The live stream wasn't able to continue as planned as the streamer carefully eyed his boyfriend who was frowning.

"Do you have anything to say?" Krist questioned, tone harsher than usual. Stunted, Singto lips were ajar but no words could be formed.

"You knew I was Kitkit?"

"..." Krist's question was again replied by immense silence as Singto stared at him with pitiful puppy eyes.

"I am asking you a question!" Angry, Krist snapped at Singto and the latter immediately straightened his back, clearing his throat.


"Yes? Yes for having explanations or yes, you knew I'm Kitkit." Krist's brows creased as he glared at his supposed boyfriend that should be honest to him.

"Yes, I know you're Kitkit. I was just guessing at first but after playing a few matches, I had fully confirmed that it was you-"

"Then why didn't you say anything?!"

"I was afraid, Kit. I'm scared if I told you my identity and you would only be obsessed with my identity as Jinx and don't even want me to be considered as your potential future partner." Listening to his explanations, Krist sighed as he buried his face into his palms.

"Please forgive me. I'll be honest to tell you that hiding that identity of mine is intentional but only for good means." Singto's heart was thumping harder and louder every second when Krist didn't even lift his face.

"I'm really sorry, Kit. I..."

"A moment, P'. Just give me a moment, okay?" Singto could only nod at his request as he continued worriedly gazing at his love.

"What about this, P'? You go back to your live streaming and I'll go home, to think about everything." Krist suggested as he lifted his head, eyes on Singto.

"Whatever you say, Kit. Whatever you say." Singto instantly agreed, afraid that if he was late by a second, Krist would decide to break up with him.

"You go on, P'. I'll leave and lock the door myself." Krist said, pointing to the bedroom door and Singto could only hesitantly move back to his room.

After Singto had left, Krist looked at his laptop and found the familiar notification.

'Jinx is live now.'

He scooted closer to the coffee table and clicked open the webpage.

"Hey guys, I'm back... Something happened earlier and I was kinda..." Jinx sighed aloud and Krist started scrolling down the comments section.

'Is that your boyfriend earlier?'

One particular comment caught his eyes and ultimately caught Singto's attention too.

"Yeah... let's just hope that he's not too mad and wants to break up with me." Krist could sense the bitter chuckle ringing from the speakers and he began typing on the comment section. Satisfied with his choice of words, he clicked send and left Singto's house, back to his own home as he continued watching the live stream.

'Your boyfriend isn't mad but he's still sulking.


"Your boyfriend isn't mad- Kit?! You're not mad?!" Singto's tone raised in enthusiasm and Krist found it kinda adorable.

"But he wants some compensation. What do you want, Kit? I'll get you whatever you want, just don't be mad at me and I'm really sorry." Krist grinned at the silly man who'd unconsciously read all of the comments he wrote, not realizing the chaos he was creating between his other subscribers.

"Just focus on your streaming, text you later. Okay, remember to text me. I miss you and I love you, Kit."

The next few days, articles on rumours about Jinx's identity and sexuality started circling around. But Singto decided not to give any response to all of them and as persuaded by Krist, he became more consistent in his game live streaming. He liked this career of his and with Krist's support, it became something he looked forward to every night.

Krist would come over to his place after work and would help him when he was streaming.

By helping meant...

"Kit, I'm tired. Give me a kiss." Singto requested as he reached out his arms to hug the younger after muting his mic. Krist clicked his tongue, annoyed at the demanding demeanour of his boyfriend.

"I kissed you about an hour ago, P'Sing and don't interrupt me, I'm preparing the spreadsheets for tomorrow's meeting."

"But I need my energy booster."

"I'll make you another cup of coffee if you want." Krist raised an eyebrow at him and Singto gulped nervously before forcing out a silly grin.

"I...I'll just continue then."

Never did Singto know Krist could be so brutal to him.

He wasn't able to touch the younger for a month at least and any intimate moment could only be initiated by Krist which is almost none. He'd finally passed the 'No Touching Restraining Order' yesterday and managed to taste those luscious lips and feel his boyfriend's comforting embrace. But his 'Obey Whatever Krist Say Order' wasn't lifted yet and would still be enforced for 5 more months.

Luckily, after a few months of ignoring those articles and rumours, people started to forget and move on. Singto became even more comfortable in mentioning his partner during his game streaming. His subscribers would sometimes tease him too when they heard Krist's voice or when he appears in the live stream either as a guest or just a viewer.

Flashback Ends

But peace was going to end soon when Krist decided that it was time for them to take a huge leap in their relationship.

I don't really want this story to be too complicated with Krist having a cold war with Singto just because he hid his identity as Jinx and they could avoid arguments if they communicate. Hence, nothing too dramatic in this chapter. (But that doesn't mean it won't be in future updates.) This story is actually gonna end soon. If all goes well, the future updates won't be exceeding 10 chapters. I might delay the updates though, because I need to find some time to edit new covers for my new stories. Thanks for reading and stay safe❤️

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