Chapter 1......The first 5 days

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Elizabeth POV:
"ughhhhh Fuck can YOU Shut up already!!!!"

After hitting my alarm button on my phone multiple bloody times the stupid thing wouldn't turn off! After like 6 damn tries I got it and swung my legs outta bed. You know I know moving to London and all was a really great idea for me but geese did I have to get out of bed this freaking early!

Arriving at the airport was nice because it was literally dead. It made me feel more comfortable walking in my grey Nike trackies that hugged my thighs and my over sized black Ryan Lewis concert hoodie but not to top it all off with my calf high ugg boots....can't go wrong. Hair obviously throwing into a messy but cute topish bun with light but complimenting makeup.

I sit on my flight just boarded and actually really excited. All my stuff was already waiting for me shipped over a month prior to when I booked my flight. Staring out the window waiting for takeoff I felt a change in atmosphere when someone sat down next to me. I turned to face a well sculpted blonde boy with amazing blue eyes.

Although after a major heartbreak when I was 16 stopped me from believing that anyone could actually love me, I was still open to making friends.

"Hey so you going to visit or you going home?..."

He has an accent...very sexy....but not the point he asked me a question.

"Umm neither moving actually!"

Smooth didn't stutter very confident.

"Oh yeah well before we talk some more I'm Harrison but I prefer Haz" He nodded slightly and putting out his hand.

I giggled a little and put my hand out to his and shook it saying...

"I'm Elizabeth but I prefer Lizzy" a smirk leaving my mouth before I take my hand back And turned towards haz.

"So why are you going to London?"

"Oh well I actually live in London and I was in Australia for a vacation with some mates. So where and why are you moving to London?"

Geese he is very curious...

"Well I'm moving to Brixton, and I needed a fresh start. As soon as I turned 18 I starting packing."

I smirk Turing back into my seat thinking it's not so bad after all.

I wake up boxes still everywhere still a lot of unpacking but at least I don't start work for another 2 days. And Haz gave me his number and I returned, so we could catch up. I did explain to him how I don't do relationships and he truly understood. It was weird at first but even tho the flight was long we ended up talking the entire time. I feel like I've known him for way longer then one day and for some reason I trust him maybe too much. We did also bring that up and he said he felt like I was his long lost sister. Kinda cute.

Ping ping
Who on earth is texting me. I was a little bit confused at first with the new phone and number but I got it now.

Come to a party this Saturday. I'll pick you up. It's like a house party and I want you to meet all my friends... pleaseeeee.

What made you think I would say no to a party. Bahaha

Perfect so send me your address and I'll pick u up 8pm on Saturday night :)

Ok great it's ....... See you then ;)

First day of work. I put on my black grey washed jeans that weren't tight but hugged my thighs and made my ass look great. I slipped on and black tight short sleeved low chut shirt that ended just below my bellybutton and matched it with some converse as wells as my usual makeup and my hair back in a low loose ponytail.

"Hey Simon right?" I ask the old man sitting behind the counter reading the newspaper.

"Yes yes, you must be Lizzy come round back"

For the whole of my shift I was basically talking to Simon about my past life. He seemed really interested and I happen to know a lot about him now. Has a grandson who doesn't talk to him and his wife died at 67 years.

After my shift I walked to the nearest shopping centre because I wanted to get a cute dress for the party.

I found this really cute short darkish blue lace like dress. It has no back but instead strings which run across my back and eventually tie at the back. 🔽


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