Chapter 8......Mistake

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Toms POV:
"I told you a million times I'm not marrying you we ended the agreement NO PAPERS WERE FUCKING SIGNED so I'll ask you again what the fuck are you doing here"

I lashed out like what the ACTUAL FUCK IS SHE DOING HERE. Harrison just looks like he's seen a ghost.

"Well I've come to convince you to sign"


"Now Tommy-"

"NO!" oh I was so mad right now if she wasn't a she I would knock her on her ass right then and there. "Now leave"

"Don't be like that Tommy-"

Oh that fucken nick name. I hate it.

"Don't fucken call me that"

And after that i pushed her out the door slamming it in her face locking it in the process. I turn to Haz who literally has not moved at ALL.

"You gonna stop standing like you seen a fucken ghost or what"

"Sorry just can't believe that just happened"

"Yeah me neither"

I sigh turning to Lizzy. Lizzy. WHAT. Where the hell did she go. SHIT.

"Oi where is Lizzy"

"She ran up to the guest room, I would of followed her but it was Kate"

It was Kate. KATE. shit no no no no no no no.....
With no hesitation I bolted up the stairs and started to bang on the locked door.

Lizzy POV:
As soon as I ran upstairs I shut the door locked it and slid down the door till my knees where able to curl up my arms wrapped around them.

I slam my head 3 times against the door behind me

"God whyyy!! UGHHH!"

I hated myself for this. Crying hysterically. One time just that one moment changed everything for me and I thought for him too. Considering we hated each other.

Eventually I crawled into the chair by the window and basically sat in the same position I was on the floor. I rested the side of my head on my knees looking out the window. It wasn't a bad view like my window in my office. Yes I was still crying but not as bad. They were more like silent sobs.


I knew exactly who that was.

"LIZZY! Please let me in! I need to talk to you."

I said nothing didn't even turn my head or move for the matter. Only thing that happened was the tears coming from my eyes. It got heavier. Then I heard Hazs voice.

"Tom why are you being so aggressive and like you care you practically hate the girl"

"Harrison SHUT UP!"

"Mate what's going on"

"I'm trying to figure that out now fuck off!"

Haz was right he is being aggressive. Kinda turning me on. But I'm still absolutely devastated so it dosnt really affect me.

"You know what Tom fine I'll leave. But she is my bestfriend so whatever is going on you better fix it!"

And with that I heard Hazs footsteps make their way to his room. Tom still outside mine.

"Lizzy let me in or I swear to God I will break down this door!"

I could tell he had no intention of leaving so I actually got up and unlocked the door after immediately going back to my position on the chair. I heard the door open. I didn't care to watch him walk in the room. But I listened. As he closed the door. Locked it. Walked over to me. Sat in the window seat in front of me. But he dosnt block my view. Decency. Not a bad start.

"Don't talk just listen. Can you at least do that for me."

I look at him. Dead in the eye. He look genuinely upset. Guilty almost. So I nodded my head and rested the side of my head on my knees so I could face him. My head felt too heavy from all the crying to keep it up. I could tell he noticed I've been crying.

"Ok so being the son of the head London mob leader comes with responsibilities. And my dad thought it would be good for the mob if I married into another mob. Combining the two. After doing some research I found stuff about the other mob that could really negatively affect ours. So we backed out. Said No. I never wanted to do it in the first place and it wasn't going to be official till I'm 21 but that dosnt matter. Look I really really like you. And I treated you poorly but if I'm going to be honest the only reason why I was an asshole to you was because I that you being so ok with this life made me what you more. I just didn't want you in this life especially with me because it would put you in so much danger."

"It was a mistake"

That's all I could say after that I couldn't look at him. I'm trying to process everything he said.

"What- I-"

With that he left slamming the door as he leaves. I couldn't cry anymore I had nothing to cry about. So I just went to bed curled up dredging tomorrow.

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