Chapter 7......Something unexpected

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Haz's POV:
I got back him expecting to find Lizzy on the couch but nope no one there. So I call out. She runs down the stairs and she looks a mess all sweaty panting. Probably from being in the gym all afternoon.

"Hey so did you learn the dance"

"Yeah and I'm pretty good at it"

"Great to hear well I'm ordering pizza for dinner and Tom is staying the night. Is he already here?"

"Umm yeah I think so"

"Ok well tomorrow the ball starts at 6 so around 3 Julia will get here."

"Julia ?"

"You know she will help with the dress makeup hair all that shit"

"Oh ok cool"

I look behind Lizzy to see Tom coming down from upstairs.

"Hey Tom what pizza you want"

"The usual"

"Alright and I know what pizza you want Lizzy so I'm going to order it now"

Lizzy's POV:
And then Haz left. Leaving me and Tom alone. I didn't want to creat any awkwardness so I just walked over to the couch and turned on the TV.

"So what are we watching" Tom asks while he jumps on the couch next to me.

"I don't know what your watching. It I'm watching real steel so if you don't mind me."
I turn on the movie and snuggle up into a blanket.

Haz eventually comes to join us and not soon after the pizza got here. We were all watching the movie talking laughing eating up until we heard a knock on the door.

"Did the pizza guy forget something" I joke while Haz gets up laughing to answer the door.

Silence for about 3 minutes. Nothing.

"Haz who was it" Tom calls out.


Tom eventually gets up and walks towards the door and instantly I follow behind. Tom puts his arm out in front of me keeping me behind him as his other hand reaches for his gun in the back of jeans.

when the fuck did that get there

Approaching the door behind Tom was making me impatient. As soon as a I saw Haz standing there I took notice of the woman in front of him. 19 maybe really stunning. Tom puts his gun back in his pants and becomes more tense.

"What are you doing here Kate" Tom asks in a harsh tone

"Obviously I came here too see you. You have been ghosting me. I don't think your dad would be happy that your soon to be wife has been getting the cold shoulder."

My heart stopped. I don't know why. Tom was an ass. But the way he made me feel. I thought he felt it too. I told myself this is the exact reason why I don't fall in love. Cause I can never be loved back and just get used. I was feeling nauseous and dizzy so I turned and headed towards the stairs.

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