Chapter 20......Memories

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5 months later...
Lizzys POV:
Living in this house seems awfully familiar. It constantly bugs me. Why can't I figure this out. I can't fucken sleep because of this. I got up and made my way down to the kitchen. The floorboards creaking almost after every step.

I pored myself a glass of water, bringing the glass to my lips before it slipping out of my hands shattering on the ground. My head pounds with excruciating pain. I rub my hands on either side of my temples groaning in pain. I drop to my knees when my head fills with this kinda vision.


"Oh yeah well before we talk some more I'm Harrison but I prefer Haz" He nodded slightly and putting out his hand.

I giggled a little and put my hand out to his and shook it saying...

"I'm Elizabeth but I prefer Lizzy" a smirk leaving my mouth before I take my hand back

Flashback over

Toms POV:
I woke up from a loud sound of something smashing in the kitchen. I jolted out of bed, only in my grey trackies and grabbed my gun. I slowly made myself down the hall then the stairs to see Lizzy on the ground in pain holding her head.

With no hesitation I rush over and drop by her side.

"Hey, hey look at me what happened"

I see the broken glass around her and she dosnt respond to my words. I embrace her in my arms and to my surprise she dosnt fight it.

"Lizzy calm down. Tell me what happened"

I hear her calm down and sniffle. She finally turns her head towards me, our eyes lock. God I've missed her.

"Who's Haz"

What. She remembers HAZ. HAZ BUT NOT ME.

"Ummm he's my best friend why"

"Well I just remember meeting him on a plane but that's it. That's all I remember."

Ok so maybe it isn't as bad as I think.

"Do you want to talk to him"

She lets a giggle and sniffles her nose.


"It's 1 in the morning and you think I would want to talk to him now"

"Well obviously not now but later I guess"

"Yeah maybe that might help"

I helped her up snaking my arm around her waist. I guided her too her room closing the door as she walked in leaving it being the only thing separating us. I want her so bad.

Lizzys POV:
I walked downstairs after a really interesting sleep last night. I needed to talk to Harrison. I needed answers. Making my way into the kitchen I was overwhelmed with the amazing smell of pancakes.

Oh my god.

Tom. Standing there shirtless. Dam had that boy have a body.

"See something you like" he says breaking me out of my thoughts with an evil grin plastered on his lips.

"Yeah the pancakes look amazing" yes I was trying to mess with him but I wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of me checking him out.

"Hm funny." He places a plate of food in front of me before continuing talking. "Harrison agreed to see you and you two can talk in my office after breakfast."

I just nodded at his request stuffing my face with food. I was so hungry.

I followed Tom up through the hallway to his office. Entering I hear the door close. I spin to see no Tom. He must of left. I spin back around to be greeted by a Blonde boy with dazzling blue eyes. Looking into them got me lost. Until a raging pain in my head resurfaces filling my head with what I'm guessing is another memory of some sort.

"Lizzy are you ok....Lizzy!"

I couldn't respond to him. I hear his voice start to fade out. He rushed over surrounding me in his arms when I shut my eyes focousing on the images popping into my head.


"why have you been ignoring me"

"I'm not, I'm just distant"

"Yea exactly why is that"

I slump back onto the couch and Haz joins me. I can tell him The truth so I don't hold back.

"I love working at the cafe don't get me wrong but I want something more. I moved here for a fresh start and don't get me wrong I love me life at the moment.... But I just need more" I sigh in relief that felt so good to get off my chest.

"I can give you a job"

I was stunned by Haz's words... he is offering me a job?
"You don't need to give me offers out of sympathy, I can figure it out"

"No Lizzy, I actually have been thinking about this for a while now. We need a new assistant at the building and you would be perfect. You already know about the business and you have met the boys so you would fit right in"

"You know what yeah I'm going to do it. I want to see how this goes."

Flashback over....

Haz's POV:
Her breathing calms down and she opens her eyes to look at me. I let her go and take a step back to give her her space. I just wished she could remember me. After Tom told me she didn't even know who she was I knew something is up. He said that Nathan had something to do with it. Just thinking about it makes my blood boil.

"You gave me a job"

"What" that's all I could get out. She remembers me giving her the position as Toms assistant.

"You told me I was perfect for the job and it will fit right in you helped me."

"Yeah well I would do anything to see you not struggle"

"But I don't even know you. Or at least I thought I didn't"

"Lizzy what just happened"

"I don't know. But it feels like what ever I was missing inside my head is starting to make a comeback."

I stood there in shock. Her memories are just coming back like that. What the hell happened to her.

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