Chapter 15......What the hell happened

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3 years later....

Toms POV:
The smell of alcohol and sweat drenched my nose. Sitting in one of my many clubs, just observing how things are going. It's been about almost over a year since I became the London mafia leader. I had more power then ever. Everyone was terrified of crossing me. After Lizzy I became the most cold hearted son of a Bitch out there and I could t give two fucks.

I appointed Haz as my right-hand man seeing as he was my best mate and I could trust him with anything.

"Tom guess who just stepped foot into your club"

I turned my head towards Haz who sat next to me with two whiskeys in hand, placing one in front of me.

"Who?" I asked very intrigued. They must be important if Haz thought it was necessary to tell me.

Haz pointed towards....fucking hell......Nathan Fucking Fletcher, Russian Mafia. What the hell was he doing in London.... At my club!

Then next thing I see, Damion Lance, he lead a feared London bike gang. He was a big guy but didn't scare me.

"What the Fuck is Lance doing talking to Fletcher?"

"I have no clue Tom but it looks as if Nathan is leaving"

"Why the hell Is Lance still doing here then"

"Maybe having a good time. It is a club remember"

"Yeah whatever, just make sure someone is keeping an eye on him. I don't want trouble in my club"

Haz nodded letting one of my guys know. An hour passes and Lance us not left the bar. Just drinking away. Laughing with some people he has never met.

I turn my head for a moment but when I go back to looking at Lance he wasn't alone. A woman's hand was running across his back down his arm before stopping at mod bicep. He back was towards me but sam she had a nice ass. Kinda reminds me of Lizzys. She wore a black short tight skirt with a matching black crop top. Fish net stockings and almost knee high black high heel boots. Her blonde hair was straightened with her free hand playing with it a little.

After a good 40 minutes of watching her flirt with him I was getting impatient. I wanted to put a face to this intriguing figure. She lent in and whispered something in his ear. He nodded his head and took her hand getting up from his seat. I assume she was taking him to a private room in the back. Walking from the bar to the back meant she had to turn so then I would be able to see her face.

I take a sip of my drink and before you know it I spat it straight out. What the fucking hell. That isn't possible.

"Tom why the fuck did you just spit your drink everywhere"


It can't be. But I would never forget her face.

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