Chapter 18......Endings to new beginnings

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Lizzys POV:
I made my way to the apartment I have been living on for the past couple of months. I had to move in so no one could track me back to Nathan's. Or know that I was associated with him.

But those eyes that replay in my head. I jumped onto my computer looking into files that Nathan has supplied me with. There he was. Tom Holland. London Mob leader. But that dosnt explain why he felt so familiar.

I couldn't put this to rest so I called Nathan. I needed answers.

Nathan's POV:
After the phone call with Elizabeth I was furious. My plan was falling apart. She was compromised. I need to kill her before she gets answers. This could work out even better. Making Tom watch her die right in front of him before I kill him myself.

Toms POV:
I need to find her. Bring her back here. I'm not letting her go again. For the 4 months that Lizzy was "missing" I went to see Simone everyday. I invested in his shop to keep it open cause Lizzy loved it. And I loved her.

I went there this morning I haven't been since I found out Lizzy was "dead".

"Tom what a surprise to see you here."

"Well Simone things are about to change. And I needed to see this place again."

"I miss her too you know."

"I know"

I took my tea and sat at a table in the corner. Just thinking. My head jerked towards the door when I hear the bell chime and healed boots clicked across the floor.

She's here.

I see Simone absolutely shocked. He looks over to me and I shake my head saying not to say anything.

Lizzys POV:
I was just walking the streets in the morning when I saw this cute coffee shop. Again that stupid familiar feeling came over me again. What was it and this place.

Walking In I was greeted by a 70 year old looking old man with the warmest smile. Then he looked at me and his facial expression changes.

"I- I-"

"I'm sorry did I do something"

"No no you are fine miss. Let me guess iced chocolate with expresso shot and extra chocolate."

"Yeah actually, how did-"

"Lucky guess"

Was it though?

I left the coffee shop making my way back to my apartment. But I smelt smoke. Walking around the corner my drink slipped through my hands and crashed onto the floor. My whole building was on fire. I saw people being rushed out and a women screaming saying her son was still in there.

"What floor"

"What" she looked at me confused but completely distraught. "Oh 4th room 16, but you can't go in there your will die"

Was I going to Listen. Hell no. I ran into the burning building making my way to the fourth floor. The smoke was starting to fill my lungs.

"MUMMM!! Pleaeee help me"

I could hear the boy crying. I rushed towards the sobs finding the boy curled in a ball loosing his breathe.

"Come on, climb out the window and down the escape"

He did as I said climbing down the back of the building. I was about to make my way out when something hit me across the back of my head.

Toms POV:
I waited a few moments before following Lizzy. I came to a burning building and a crowed of people watching it light in flames. A little boy comes running out the back of the building into the arms of the screaming mother missing her child.

"Oh my god thank god you are ok Lucas"

"Mum mum the girl is still stuck In there. She saved me but she didn't come out with me"

I knew that was Lizzy. So bolted into the building.

"LIZZY!" Screaming her name over and over again.

Then I see her. He figure on the ground like she had fallen on her side. Like the smoke consumed her ability to move. But she wasn't alone. Someone was standing above her with a gun pointing to her head. With no hesitation I shot him.

I wasn't taking any chances. I picked up Lizzys unconscious body and ran out of the building before it collapsed in on itself. I wasn't letting her die again on me.

Shall we meet again (Tom Holland X Elizabeth Hastings)Where stories live. Discover now