Chapter 13......Off the rails Again

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***DRUG USE***
Lizzy's POV:
After crying for about 15 minutes I couldn't cry anymore. So I got up and walked straight to the ATM, took out as much as I could until my bank was dry. Took a cab straight to the airport and took the next flight to Australia.

Let's say it was about 10pm and I was drunk walking the streets of my home town. I messaged my coke dealer and meet up with him in our old deal spot.

A little background information for yall: when I was 15 I started to use drugs. It started with weed but then it got more severe. I became addicted to MDMA and Cocaine. I did them at least 3 times a week, stealing money from my parents. It was bad. It was a coping mechanism. Before I used drugs I was majorly suicidal. Drugs replaced cutting. It made me feel like the reason to live was for drugs. For that feeling of loneliness and uselessness to disappear. And it did. I lost all my friends and myself. Eventually after my heartbreak at 16 it got worse again. Went of the rails. I did regain myself and that was the reason for the move.

But it all seems pointless at this point. I've lost everything.

"Long time no see Lizzy. I was missing my best customer."

"Ahh how I've missed you Jack."

"Just the 8 ball for tonight love."

"Actually I saw that my old house was up for sale. Wanna have some fun."

"You know I love your parties Lizzy how can I turn that down."

"Amazing. Well imma head to the bottle-o I'll meet you at the house. Spread the word."

I was exceptional and pulling together last minute parties. I had about 2 grand left on me from what I pulled out so I headed straight for the shops and gathered everything I needed. Yes I know it's late the shops probably wouldn't be open. But you don't know this town like me.

"Dam Lizzy you did a great job"

"Thanks Jack it's kinda my speciality remember"

"How could I forget"

Music was blaring hundreds of people flooded this old house. The smell of weed and alcohol filled the air. I was still in the same dress from the club so I was dressed for the occasion.

Line after line after line.

Shot after shot after shot.

I was gone. Trashed. High as fuck but drunk to the point I had no control of what I was doing. I climbed up on the kitchen table and danced my ass off.

Red and blue lights flickered through the window. Lock knocks came after it. Police. Fuck me. I don't care.

"ALRIGHT! Everyone out. Who is responsible for this" the more muscular cop said.

I put my hand straight in the air.

"It was me sorry officer" as soon as I said that I saw multiple people pull out their phones recording this. They know they are in for a show. "Are you gonna handcuff me now.... I don't mind how tight you put them"

The cop pulls from down off the counter and pushed me out the door. Obviously with everyone following. This was just the start of the show.

The music still blaring I elbowed on of the cops in the dick took his taser and used it on the other one. They both feel to the ground and I ditched my shoes running and jumping on top of the police car, slutty dancing. Everyone cheered me on and coming to dance and party outside.

Not long after I jumped down and high fived everyone I could until my hands were restrained behind my back and I was shoved into a cop car.

Driving off everything became blurry and then Black.

Shall we meet again (Tom Holland X Elizabeth Hastings)Where stories live. Discover now