Chapter 22......All comes flooding back

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Lizzys POV:
It's been a couple of days since the ball. Since the last time I got a flashback. I've come to the conclusion that my memory was wiped. And now it's slowly coming back. It was painful at first but now I kinda like the pain.

I've spent most days in the gym. It takes my mind off everything. But tonight I wanted to go out. So I spent about 3 hours in the gym before I started to get ready at 6.

After my shower I put on light makeup and curled my hair letting it fall over my shoulders. I slipped into my white dress and threw my long black coat over my shoulders. Slipped on my white heels and gun in my thigh holster.

Surprisingly I made it out the door without being noticed

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Surprisingly I made it out the door without being noticed. I knew that Tom would find out I left and come after me. So better make the most of it while I can.

Stepping into the club my ears immediately filled with the blaring music. I made my way to the bar.

"3 shots and a vodka sprit please"

"Drinking alone is see" was the bartender trying to flirt with me. Ahh who cares it's my night out.

"Hopefully not for long"

He lets out a chuckle and places the drinks in front of me. I down the 3 shots and slowly soo on my other drink. Looking around the club everyone looks to be 30 or younger. That's when I see it. Drugs. Coke. MDMA. Xannys.

That's when my head started to pound. Everything was coming back.

Flash backs.....

15 years old: suicidal, cutting, crying. Popping pills but waking up the next day still alive.

16 years old: taking drugs. Being high 24/7 on anything. Not cutting anymore but using drugs as an escape.

17 years: pulling myslef together but being constantly yelled at by my alcoholic parents.

18 years old: flying to London....

Flash back over.....

I managed to push myslef from my seat and get outside. I thought that was it. That I remembered everything but parts of my memory were still blank. I turned down a quiet street and slammed my hand against the wall while the other holds my head. Then it comes again.


"Is is done?"

"It is. She won't be able to remember anything for the next four years. It's like a temporary amnesia. She won't be able to remember anything about her past life. Only her name. This will wear off after the 4 years and her memories will start flooding back. It can be overwhelming."

Flashback over....

Nathan. He kiddnapped me. He killed my family. Then turned me into something that stole my memories from me. Why would he do this to me. I slid my back down the wall tears falling from my eyes. Everything was too much. I couldn't tell Tom that I remembered everything cause I don't know if I could get the words out before smashing my lips onto his. I was so in love with him and I still am.

So I called Haz.

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