Chapter 23......Because I love you

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Haz's POV:
She told me everything last night. Everything she remembers. From being born to being kidnapped. She felt alone. And scared. But she made me promise not to tell Tom. I obviously argued with her about it but I caved. It was her right to tell him.

Making my way down into the kitchen I saw Lizzy sitting at the bench eating her breakfast.

"How you holding up this morning"

"I'm fine could be better"

"Have you decided when you are going to tell Tom"

"I don't know-"

"Tell me what"

Lizzys POV:
Haz gave me this look that said 'good luck' before he left the kitchen.

"So tell me what" Tom steps closer to mess I push myself of the seat.


"Now I know that's a lie, tell me what Lizzy" he folds his arms over his chest staring deep into my eyes. Shit.

"It's nothing seriously let it go"

"Let it go. No Lizzy no." Oh fuck. He is mad now. Tom starts to raise his voice higher with every word that comes out of his mouth. I find it kinda hot when his mad. It's really bad. "You see I know that you have had some of your memories come back. And I don't know if it's something I've done but you don't talk to me. Your always with Haz!"

"Haz seriously. What are you jelous. This isn't 9th grade Tom!"


I couldn't take it anymore. It was eating me up. I could've kept it longer from him but I realised now that I didn't want to.

"You what"

I step closer to him. "Tom I remember everything last night I went out and everything just came back."

"You went out yesterday"

"Is that seriously what your concerned about right now because it's not for me." With every word I spoke I moved closer to him. He didn't move a single place. "I remember everything. I remember they way I wanted to die. The way I saved myself. They way I made a new life. New love. I remember the way I loved you." By this point I was standing not even an inch away from him.

I was about to ask him if he was still with me but his arm snaked around my waist and our lips smashed together. My arms immediately went around his neck and I kissed him back. He pulls away with an evil smirk on his face.


He just chuckles and throws me over his shoulder.


"Nah uh we have some unfinished business"

"YESS FINALLY" I'm cheering while Tom is laughing carrying up the stairs. I mean I'm not complaining it's a nice view down here ;)

I hear him kick the door open then I'm thrown onto Toms king sized bed. Tom leans down and kissed me, his tongue moving with mine. He groaned and shifted on top of me, still kissing me. He raised his head, then kissed down on my neck.

"Ahhhh!" I moaned.

"I love those lewd sounds coming out of your mouth." Tom looked me in the eyes with a serious expression. "I want to hear them more."

Tom peppered kisses down my neck. Then making his way back up to my lips.

"Okay." I murmured against his lips. He pulled back and looked at me, an intense desire in his brown eyes.

"Let me know if you don't like something and I'll stop." I nodded.

Tom began to take off my shirt and bra to gently massage my breasts before playing with them with his touch.

"Uhhhh..." my moan was like music to his ears.

Tom smirked almost every time a moan escapes my lips. He chuckled and kissed me again, sliding his hand under my shirt and bra touching me directly. Tom took them off and started to lick my breast. The aching feeling in between my legs increased. Tom leaned back taking off his clothes, admiring me noticing I was squirming needily and his eyes moved down to where I ached for him desperately.

"Can I?" Tom asked. I nodded immediately and he slid my pants and lace underwear off. "You drive me crazy."

Before I could react, Tom kissed me with passion. He pulled away and looked into my eyes, trailing his hand down my now naked body to my clit. He started gently rubbing it. His touch was soft and pleasuring but I was growing impatient, when he hit a sweet spot, I jolted up with a gasp.

"Right there?" He asked. I just nodded not able to get a word out.

Tom continued to rub that area and I moaned softly. Tom started running his tongue over my sweet spot. Tom loved listening to my moans as he lapped up my juices, and tongue fucked me, while teasing my clit. His finger between my lips, rubbing back and forth, still teasing my clit.

"Tom..." I moaned, circling my hips on his fingers and whimpered, my moans started getting louder and more urgent, my legs trying to close around his head as he devours me.

"Don't cum yet", he removed his tongue and inserted two fingers inside you. You gasped and arched your back.
"Mhm so tight my dear." he asked, taking his time, pushing his digits in and out of me.

"Look at me" He demanded, catching my chin between his thumb and forefinger and turning my head so our eyes met.
"'re so wet." He started to pump it my body relaxed and I moaned.

"Fuuuuuckkk Tom....that feels soo good" A second finger entered me. I moaned...getting closer..."Ahhh!" I moaned

"You like that?" He growled, curling his fingers inside of me so he hit my sweet spot, I simply nodded in response, unable to speak, but my body still writhed beneath his touch.

Removing his fingers from my sex and putting them in his mouth to suck them. "Mmm, you taste good" He moaned, as I reach my hand reached out to his lap and rubbed over his already hard member.

"I want it" I hissed, biting my lip.
"And you shall have it" He smirked, glancing forwards.

Tom slid his cock into me gently waiting for my reassurance to move. Once I told him to move he trusted a few times into me slamming our bodies together.

"Oh fuck Lizzy" Tom growled into my ear. His breath against my neck while out hot naked bodies collide with each other.

"Tom....oh god....I'm close" moans left my mouth almost after every word. The sensation was Undescribable.

"Me too baby"

After a few more minutes of moaning and thrusting we both came around each other. His warm liquid shooting inside of me. Tom collapses beside both of us trying to catch our breath.

"Oh god Lizzy you don't understand how long I've wanted to do that."


"What" tom faced me with a confused look while I just gave him a playful smile.

"This isn't the first time we have slept together." I moved over slowly leaning towards him after every word I spoke next.

"I. Remember. Everything. Remember."
Before he could get a word out I smashed my lips to his. I pull away for a moment. I needed to tell him in this moment but he beat me too it.

"I love you Lizzy"

"I love you too Tom"

He smiled at me while wrapping his hand around my neck pulling my lips back to his. His other hand snakes around my waist pushing our bodies closer together. I know exactly where this is going. ;)

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