Chapter 6......Days upon end

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3 weeks later
Over the past few weeks I have been enjoying myslef working here. Although Tom is cold and a jerk it didn't stop me from loving my life. That was up until Haz decided to bombard me with this big event.

"Look I know you want to say no but you can't. It's a mob thing but it's part of your job you are required to go."

"Fine I'll go but does it have to be with him"

"You're his assistant which means his date. So you can stay at my house for the next few days just so it's easier I have a gym there so you can practice"

"Practice what"

"Dancing obviously, there's a specific dance and you have to learn it as Tom and his dad Dom must participate in the dance... kinda tradition, there will be other Mafia families dancing too"

"How reassuring that is"

I know haz loves my sarcasm but I genuinely didn't want to go.

A ball. A BALL. I mean who throws balls anymore. Whatever I better learn this stupid dance. Haz was going to be out most of the night so I had is place to myself.

I watched the video a couple of times leading it step by step. It was hard because I didn't have anyone to practice with so I kinda looked like a weirdo dancing with their imaginary boyfriend on their imaginary wedding day. Again pathetic. But it's part of my job.

Once I had it pretty pat down I want to run through it with some of my favourite songs. I put the speaker on and started to play Traitor by Olivia Rodrigos. Moving my feet to the music I was actually pretty good at this. 

It was getting to the end of the song when the part "guess you didn't cheat but you're still a traitor" right before the beat drops I feel a hand wrap around my waist the other holding my hand continuing to dance with me, "god, I wish you that you had thought this through before I went and fell Inlove with you"  the song continues but I'm just shocked by who is holding my right now.

Toms POV:
I got back to Hazs from mine cause I needed to talk to him about the stupid ball.

He wasn't home. I saw a note on the counter, he left it for Lizzy. So she is here. But Haz isn't he's out for a couple hours. That's when I heard the music. Taking a sneaky look into Hazs gym I see Lizzy practicing the dance. For a moment I forgot why I hated her. And that moment didn't pass.

So I walked in, the music was obviously too loud for her to hear me but I dropped my bag and as soon as she spun on her heel I connected my hand to her waist, gripping her other hand guiding her body with the music and the dance.

I noticed she was confused so I spun her around and pulling out all the moves with our hands still joined. I hear multiple giggles coming from her mouth which made me smile. I've spent 4 months hating someone just because I was scared.

The song ended and our faces were inches apart. All I wanted to do was take what I want. So I did.
Lizzy's POV:
He kissed me. And I didn't pull back. It was interesting at first but then I don't even know but it felt right. And I didn't want it to stop. But he pulled back.

So I pulled him back in.

This kiss was more passionate. I move my hands to around his neck and his grip my bare back. They continue to my ass. God that feels good. I let out a small moan and he slips his tounge into my mouth. His hands trail down my black trackies to my thighs. His mouth making it down my neck and back up to my ear before he whispers for me to jump. So I do

Our lips still connected, my hands in his brown curls and his gripping my ass, he carries me up to the guest bedroom, as this is Hazs house.

Kicking the door closed with his foot and locking the door still holding me he throw a me on the bed. Instantly grinding his way on top of me reconnecting our lips. His fingers trace under my sports bra straps sending shivers down my spine.

"Take it off" he commands Turing me on so much more. I throw it off to the side only to turn my focous back now to a shirtless Tom.

I flip him over and start kissing down his jawline and down his abs. Receiving a few pleasure moans from his mouth. I started to unbuckle his belt and slipped it off. Before i could do anything else I was back on my back with my hands restrained over my head by Toms hand.

"I know how you like it but I don't know if you could handle it" he whispered into my ear making my smile in pleasure before I looked him dead in the eye.

"I'm all yours sir"

That really put a smirk on his face. He got off me and came back with what I believe was a scarf. He tied my hands to the head bored. His finger tips and lips exploring every inch of my body. How it felt so good. Before I knew it my pants were on the floor leaving me in just my black lacy underwear and Tom in his.

Kisses trailed up my thigh then I felt fingers trace the top of my Panties.

"I want to hear you say you want this"

Before I could say anything a moan escaped my lips. His fingers circling my clit. He presses his fingers in deeper down.

"I want you"

His fingers entered into me pumping inside of me. My hands grab a tight grip around the he scarf while my head rolled back in pleasure.

Then I felt it. His tounge lunched into me. Giving me al sorts of pleasure not understanding how we haven't done this before.

"Do you like that darling. Do you want to go further"

His fingers still inside of me I couldn't manage to get any words out.

"Use your words. I want to hear you say it"

"I need you"

"Good girl"

With that he climbed on top of me kissing me passionately while his hands buckled down my hips. Out of literally nowhere he whipped out a condom slipping it on with ease and then pleasure.

The feeling of his hips thrusting into me while I'm restrained not being able to grab and dig my nails into his back which is what I wanted to do at this point.

He moaned into my ear making my head fall back deeper into the pillow. He reaches out and unties my hands so they can latch onto his back.

"Let it all out" he whispers into my ear. I dug my nails, not too deep, but enough into his back to cause him to moan even more.

He speeds up attacking my lips with his.

"Tom— I- Im clo- close" panting and breathing makes it really hard to get a word out but I didn't care.

"Me too darling"

We both hit our climax's him rolling off the top of me with a massive grin on his face. Next thing I know he wraps his arm around my naked waist pulling me closer to his chest. We don't say anything.


"Shit!" I look  at Tom who also heard Hazs voice from downstairs.

We both jump off eachother racing to put our clothes on I run out of the room and run downstairs before Tom could even come out of the room.

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