Chapter 5......A bar, A girl, A mistake

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Still Monday
I got ready did some nice makeup put on a tight red dress which shows off all my best features matched with a nice pair of black strappy heels.

Sitting in the bar I was already 2 drinks in. I needed something good so I put my observation skills to the test. Maybe it was the alcohol but I wasn't doing a very good job. I probably won't get any action tonight. This is pathetic.

" what has to happen to a pretty girl like you to end up in a bar like this all alone"

I look up from drink to see a handsome maybe in his 20's young man. Chilled face green eyes brown messy hair. Kinda hot. This just might be my luck.

Striking up a very flirty conversation with the man he tells me his name is Eric. After a few more drinks we were getting touchy. His hand on my thigh mine on his bicep.

We left to his apartment....

Haz's POV:
"So why are you constantly staring at your phone Haz"

"I'm just waiting to see if Lizzy is ok"

"I'm sure she is fine"

Ring ring

My phone rings. It's Lizzy. I've never picked up the phone faster

"Haz, Haz I need you to come pick me up GOD! You will not believe the balls on this man"

"Send me your location I'm coming"

Soon after that I raced got my keys Tom right behind me which was weird but I didn't have time for questions.

Once we got there Tom was already in the back, weird I know, but Lizzy got in almost immediately not evening knowing that Tom was in the back. She just started ranting and I started driving.

"Omg so we talk he is really hot, flirty all that. He talks a big game send chills down my spine. Telling me how I like it you know. We get to his apartment and we talk some more flirt some more THEN the audacity on this prick he asks if I'm a virgin. And says it's okay if I am cause that's how he likes it. Like what the actual fuck"

The nerve on this dude seriously.

"And that was just the start. Next minute we are making out and and one thing leads to another he starts getting frigid and and all shaky. Then this man comes in the first 2 minutes. 2 MINUTES. Omg what does it take to get some decent sex around here. If I knew moving to London would mean having to have sec with guys who don't like dominance or like it rough I would have looked at other places"

As soon as she finished talking I couldn't help but think this was the right time to tell her we ain't alone.

"Well before we continue this conversation I should tell you something" she shot me a glare. Kinda scary. "Toms in the back"

"So you like it rough darling"

Lizzy's POV:

Omg seriously that is not embarrassing at all. I turn to see Tom sitting in the back with a massive grin on his face.

"So what's it to you asshole mind your own business" I turned back around in my seat knowing I wiped that smile off his face.

What a night.

Shall we meet again (Tom Holland X Elizabeth Hastings)Where stories live. Discover now