Chapter 2......The party

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I'm not terrible at doing my makeup and because it's a party it gives me a good excuse to do a Smokey winged eye. Not too extravagant but enough to complement my eyes

Standing in front of my mirror with my blue dress and doc martins on as well as my hair curled left in beach waves hung over my shoulder. I actually looked pretty dam good. I grabbed my bag and head towards my living area.

Knock knock knock

I open the door to great a very handsome Haz. Like hot. But I look hot too so I dosnt really bother me.

"Ready to go gorgeous" he says with a smirk

"Don't flirt with me, it won't work while I'm sober" i joke with him as we leave me apartment and go down to his car.

Haz pulled up to this stereotypical 2 story house, the kind in movies.  Walking in I was a little nervous but still confident asf. I knew that Haz wouldn't embarrass me we trusted eachother, talked for the whole week constantly FaceTiming. He was like a brother I never had.

Haz pulled me straight into kitchen where I Made myslef a drink and downed a shot before Haz took me to introduce his friends.

"Now this is Luke, Brad, Daniel and where's Tom?"

"He's coming don't worry he's probably stuck at the office with my dad"

"Oh yeah how could I forget that's Harry and Sam, they are twins and Toms brothers" Haz turned to me with a smile.

"Hey guys I'm Elizabeth but you can call me Lizzy"

After getting to know everyone better the night moved pretty fast. All of Hazs friends treated me like a sister and invited me to play beer pong.

" Fucking hell Lizzy, how are you so good! That's the second game you have won". Daniel complains a lot it's kinda funny.

"Aww go have a sook, Aussie girl takes the win again" I giggle and throw my hands in the air already kinda drunk.

Haz's POV:

I was inside watching Lizzy play beer pong with my friends. They get along so well I'm glad that we became friends. I kinda needed a change from the boys without the relationship stuff. 

"Haz I'm sorry I know I'm late but GOD! My dad can be a pain in the ass"

I turn around to be greeted by Toms stressed out face. He needs a drink.

Something you might want to know about my friends and I, we are all kinda part of the London Mob. Head of the mob, Dom Holland. Toms dad. Tom and I are 19 so when Tom turns 21 the Mob will be his. Then we can stop working at the boring ass office that is basically like the mob version of the avengers tower. Toms house is like the actual facility but there is a lot of paperwork and you need to cover your illegal business somehow. I just don't want to drag Lizzy into this but I feel like she should know what she is getting herself into.

"Haz haaaaazzzz... helooo" Toms dumb ass hand is waving in front of my eyes. I smack it out of the way.

Toms POV:

Haz was definitely day dreaming or something.

"Dude stop ok. Anyway now that your here I want you too meet someone."

Who could this mystery person be. I'm kinda intrigued. Then I heard

"Alright boys who wants to vs me next. Don't be shy."

Who the hell was that. I look over out the glass doors to see a girl, maybe 18, blonde hair wearing a blue dress which compliments her waist.  She was gorgeous.

"Com'on Tom"

Haz pulled my hand outside towards the beer pong table.

"Finally Tom you're here" I glare at Harry "meet Lizzy, by far one of the coolest chicks I've meet"

Lizzy giggles at Harry's comment and I can tell she is a little drunk.

"So you must be Tom. It's a pleasure." She smiled.

She smiled. The prettiest thing about her by far.

"Yes well seems there is no need for anymore introductions so I'll play you Lizzy your on"

Haz Interrupted the moment by swooping in to play a game of beer pong.

Lizzy POV:

I was drunk. Dancing on the table with this really hot brunette girl. Ngl the alcohol blurrs the line of my sexuality at this point.

She leans in and whispers in my ear. I nod at her request thinking it will be really hot. The music is blaring we are looking sexy as hell and I can tell all the boys are looking at us.
I grab the vodka bottle and start to pour some down her chest from her neck. She leans her head back laughing and takes the vodka off me.

In the most sexy way possible I bent down and placed my tounge in between he breasts and licked the vodka up her chest and then up the side of her neck till I reached her ear where I pulled back enough for her to connect or lips slipping her tounge in Immediately.

Toms POV:

Watching Lizzy dance while drunk was hot. All the boys were enjoying it. Then the other hot brunette on the table facing with her, literally grinding on eachother, whispered something in her ear.

Next thing you know Lizzy started to pour vodka downs the girls chest and bent down. It was all to hot to handle. I quickly turned to Haz .

"You don't think she is going to do what I think she is going to do!?"

"Idk Tom she has told me a lot about herself and I don't think I would put this past her."

Holy shit. I turn my head back to see Lizzy licking the brunettes chest where the vodka trailed all the way up before the started to.... WHAT MAKEOUT HOLY SHIT! This was all to much especially cause I've had a couple drinks.


Lizzy POV:

Some fucken asshole just pushed me off the table after yelling at me. Probably because his girlfriend was the girl I was just sluting it up with but I didn't know that.

"Fuck me dude it's not like she wasn't enjoying it probably enjoys it more then she does making out with your plain ass"

All I heard was laughs from the boys who treated me like a sister. I could tell they saw the asshole get angry and closer to me so they all stepped up behind me. Haz right next to me and Tom on the other.

"I see the little whore has a protection program. HA pathetic"

Before I could say anything Toms clenched fist meet the assholes Jaw knocking him to the ground.

The rest of the night wasn't as fun. Eventually Haz called me an Uber and I got back to my apartment and fell straight asleep.

Shall we meet again (Tom Holland X Elizabeth Hastings)Where stories live. Discover now