Chapter 16......Subject success

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3 years ago.....
Nathan's POV:
I watched as my men finally arrived with Elizabeth. When I first saw her at the Ball with the Holland's I Knew she was important. Or she could be. Holland be my biggest rival I need to get him weak and vulnerable. Then take what makes him like that. And then finally turn it into something he would never see coming. My greatest idea. And Elizabeth was the perfect fit.

I spent over 3 months using a lot of money to find creat something. Something I could inject into Elizabeth to make her memory go blank. Like a fresh start for her.

"Where do you want her boss"

"Up in the room that I had prepared for her."

"Yes boss"

"And make sure The doctor sees her. He knows what he has to do." A smirk plastered on my face watching her disappear down the hallway for what's to come next.

5 hours later....

"Is is done?"

"It is. She won't be able to remember anything for the next four years. It's like a temporary amnesia. She won't be able to remember anything about her past life. Only her name. This will wear off after the 4 years and her memories will start flooding back. It can be overwhelming." The doc informed me.

"I will be done with her after she kills Tom Holland. Then I'll kill her"

After about 4 months i was going to fake her death. Put her in a coma where she would appear to be dead. People would find her body. She would not exist anymore. The perfect surprise. I would then have her casket switched so they would be burying and empty casket. Brilliant.

Readers POV:

The next 3 years Nathan spent rebuilding Lizzy. Training her to be the most feared assassin. With having no memory of her past she had no reason to have a clouded mind. So she became stronger. Faster. More skilled then any of Nathan's men. Her shot her was perfect. Aim was always on point. She never missed. She could take down 3 of Nathan's men in the training ring in under a minute. No guns. No knives. Just her skill.

Although over the years she was also suspicious of everything. Having 18 years of your life blank would do that too you. But she trusts Nathan. She could name every face that worked for Nathan. She just became that intelligent. She grew like a 6th sense making her more dangerous then ever.

She was his subject success...

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