Chapter 25......Finally

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Lizzys POV:
The sun is beaming along my exposed skin that is showing from under Toms sheets. My head resting on his bare chest while his hands run through my hair.

It's been weeks since the Nathan incident and I've been feeling sick over the past couple of days. I've been spending majority of my days in Toms bed mostly with him ;), he thinks I need rest until I feel better. I tell him I'm fine. But as the protective and concerned boyfriend he is he makes me stay in bed. Usually by staying with me.

What he dosnt know is that I already know the reason for why I am sick. I've known for about a week now.


Waking up feeling Tom not next to me makes me kinda sad. I wanna wake up with him everyday but it's the mafia what are you gonna do.

My head starts to hurt. Then my stomach. Not again. It's like the 3rd time in a row. I jump out of bed and race to the bathroom throwing up my whole stomach. God what is up with me.


Fuck me.

I get dressed and race out of the house without Tom noticing. I needed to be quick because I don't want him to know I left.

Once I got back I raced back to toms bathroom and locked myself in there.

Pulling it out of the box I sit on the toilet and then wait for the results.

5 minutes later

Fuck. I'm pregnant.

Flashback over.....

I have to tell him. It's now or never. He deserves to know.

"Umm Tom."

"Yes angel."

"I need to tell you something"

I feel Tom stop running his fingers through my hair. I take this as the opportunity to sit up and so does Tom. I can tell he looks worried. He probably thinks I cheated on him or something.

"Is this about why you left the house last week without telling me."

Yep he definitely thinks I cheated on him.

I reposition myself so I'm straddling his lap.

"Yes and no"

Now that made him confused. But i gave him a smile which hopefully reassured him that it was good news. Hopefully.

His hands went around my waist holding my lower back. His eyes staring directly into mine.

"I'm pregnant"

Nothing. I got nothing. His face didn't move a muscle. Not even his hands moved. It's been about 1 minute of silence and I was getting annoyed.

"Tom...helo" I wave my hand in his Face.


I had a better idea.

I pushed my lips against his. His lips started to move with mine. Finally.

I pull back and stare back into his eyes as the open.

"Are you gonna say something now."

"Is it mine"

I slap his arm.

"Ow, what the hell was that for"

"Whos else would it be. I went out last week to get a pregnancy test you idiot."

He let out a chuckle before pulling in my lips to his with his hand on my chin.

"I'm going to be a dad"

"Yeah you Are gonna be a dad"

He pulls me in for another kiss.

"I love you"

"You better hope you do"

"That wasn't really what I wanted to hear back" Tom days before his hands grab my ass then my waist with his fingers starting to tickle me.

I feel onto my back on the bed laughing while Tom stayed on top of me continuously tickling me.

"Stooppp" I couldn't stop laughing. "Ok ok I love you" he stops tickling me.

"Sorry what was that"

I roll my eyes and pull him in to kiss me.

"I love you Tom"

He flashes me his cheeky smile leaning back down to kiss me passionately. God I love this boy.

Shall we meet again (Tom Holland X Elizabeth Hastings)Where stories live. Discover now