Chapter 17......Not possible

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Back to the present
Toms POV:

"Tom why the hell did you say Lizzys name?"

"Because I saw her. She went to a Private room with Lance"

"Tom I think you have had too much to drink"

"I only had ONE DRINK!"

I was starting to get pissed off. I saw her. That was her. No she's dead. Maybe Haz was right. But I know I'm not drunk. And I know what I saw.

Lizzys POV:
Taking his hand I lead him to the back into a private room Nathan had reserved earlier for me so I could complete my job. I worked for Nathan. As his assassin. Obviously I couldn't tell Lance my real name so I go by Juliet Robbins. God I hate that name.

Opening the door I could tell he thought he was in for the night of his life. Well he was. He just didn't know it was gonna be his last night. He owed a lot to Nathan. Money, drugs, you name it. He crossed Nathan thinking he was gonna get away with it. But here I am cleaning up the mess he put himself into.

Once that door was shut his hands pushed my waist up against the door. As expected I put my hands around his neck while he attacked mine with sloppy kisses.

"Your gonna be my little slut for tonight arnt ya baby girl"

Do guys seriously treat women like this. I've had enough. I raised my knee to his dick causing him to stumble over on his ass holding his dick in pain.

"You bitch what the fuck was that for"

"You owe quiet a lot Damion"

"Who the hell do you think you are."

"The badass mother fucker who's about to hand your ass to you."

Now that pissed him off. He got up towering over me. Size means nothing when up against skill. I saw before he could even raise his fist that he was going to hit me so I pulled the knife out that was in my boot and threw it getting him right in the shoulder. Before he could react a ran took it out and stabbed it in his thigh. He falls to his knees trying to pull the knife out.

I watch as he almost has it out. Before the blade leaves his thigh I smirk then roundhouse him in the face. Then he was on the ground.

I reached under my skirt to pull out the 2 parts to my silencer gun. Although the music was loud I wasn't taking any chances. Putting it together I could see the fear in his eyes. It bought me joy to see a feared man feared by a women. Especially if that women was me.

"I'll pay back everything please."

"It's kinda pathetic and sad to watch you beg"

I raised the gun aiming between his eyes not hesitating to pull the trigger. I don't give mercy or second chances. That makes me weak. And I'm far from that.

Leaving the room I made sure that Nathan's men saw me knowing the job was done and headed towards the front doors to exit.

Walking out of the Hallway I was greeted with hundreds of people dancing, drinking, having the time of their lives. As much as I wanted to join the crowd I couldn't stay here any longer then I had too.

I was scanning the room as I was leaving g making eye contact with the most familiar brown eyes. Curls draped over his forehead. Perfect jawline. I don't know what it was but I felt like I knew him. But I didn't. He was just another stranger passing through my eyes as I got to the door. One of Nathan's men where there to put my calf length leather coat on before I exited the club. Like a badass I thought.

Walking down the streets of London felt familiar. Again that feeling. It was like I already knew my way around a place I've never been. I was broken away from my thoughts when I realised I was being followed. Probably by Some of Damions men. I picked up on three sets of footsteps. So I turn down the next alley. I could have them knowing where I live.

"Juliet Robbins."

I stop and turn around. Idiots. Follow an assassin in an alley. Have they not been taught better.

"That's me."

"You made a mess in there sweetie." Says the man to the left. The one in the middle had a gun pointed right at me.

I didn't have time for this bullshit. So I took out my knife and before any of them could blink I threw the knife into the barrel of the gun. Like I said. I never miss.

The shocked look on their face was enough time for me to whip out my glock 48 and shot the man to the left and then the middle man. There was a high chance that the last guy would of pulled out his gun. I was right. But before he could pull the trigger he collapsed on the ground. From the sound of another gun.

The familiar brown eyes came closer. He wasn't a threat to me so I didn't have to kill him.

"I had it"

"Oh I know you did that's what surprise me"

"And you are..."

Toms POV:
It's her. It's actually her.

"And you are...."

What. Wait WHAT. she has no clue who I am. Maybe it's not her.

"What's your name"

"I asked first"

Nope that's definitely her. Fistey as ever. Then her phone started to ring. I couldn't make out who was on the other end but they weren't speaking English. Out of no where Lizzy starts speaking Russian. Before I can think yo put the pieces together Haz messaged me.

Haz: Tom Lance his dead. In the private room.

Looking at that, heading the Russian, watching her take out 2 guys. She killed Damion Lance. But why.


He obviously had something to do with this.

"Well thank you I guess for helping me out but I must get going."

I could say anything to her. So I grabbed her wrist spinning her around to face me as she brushed past me.

"Elizabeth why don't you remember me"

She took her hand from my grip and looked at me like she was trying to figure out who I was.

What happened to her.

"I don't know how you know that name but I'd advise you to never speak that name to me again."

With that she was gone. Again.

Shall we meet again (Tom Holland X Elizabeth Hastings)Where stories live. Discover now