Chapter 14......Get away from me

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Toms POV:

"Harrison GOD what is it"

Haz comes barging in my office and shoved his phone in my face. My hands immediately gripped the screen from his hands as soon as I saw Lizzys face. She was at a party in WHAT AUSTRALIA! BLODDY hell! She took out too cops and started dancing on the car. What is wrong with this girl. 

"Send someone over NOW! Take the jet bring her back."

What was she thinking.

Lizzys POV:
I woke up in a cell. I'm guessing it's the overnight cell. Later an officer came in to tell me someone is on their way to bail me out but I have to stay here until then. I new who was coming. Or who sent someone to get me. Great.

Time passed slow. Next thing I know I'm in a car then a jet then a car again. I didn't want to go back. I couldn't face them.

"Take me to my apartment"

"I was instructed to bring you straight to Mr.Holland's house."

"I will jump out of this car or say you hurt me if you don't take me to my apartment RIGHT FUCKING NOW!"

"Alright miss.  I'll stop by your apartment but then we must go to the house."


Walking through my apartment door felt like relief. I was alone. I asked the man to wait in the car. After a useless amount of bickering I got him to agree. Idiot. I changed into trackies and shirt put on my converses and my hair in a messy bun.

Leaving my apartment two hands wrapped around me. One covering my mouth while the other one left my body and grabbed something from this pocket.

A sharp sting entered my side then nothing.

Toms POV:
It's been too long.

"Finally" I saw the car pull up but only Daniel get out.

"Where is she."

"I don't know sir"

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU DONT KNOW!" I was beyond furious.

He told me everything. About her threatening him and then she disappeared. Gone. Like she never was there.

4 months later.....

Toms POV:
4 months, 4 fucking months and I have no idea where she is. I have no idea what happened to her parents. I have no idea if she is okay.

Not only have I been working on 2 personal cases of mine but I'm still running the Holland Building. Just over a year to go and I'll be 21 taking over the mafia from my father. Everything is becoming too stressful.

I was focusing on finding the person responsible for Lizzys family's murder when Haz bursts through my office doors.

"Mate you need to see this"

Before I could get a word out, Haz closes the office door, locks it, pulls the blinds down so none can see into my office and turns on the TV immediately switching it onto the news.

"18 year old Elizabeth Hastings found dead. After the tragic passing of her mother father and younger sister, Elizabeth Hastings appeared to be drowned, her murder leaving her body for anyone to find."

I snatch the remote out of Hazs hand and turned the TV off. I pegged the remote at the TV shattering the screen.

"This was my fault"

"Tom don't say that"

"We should of never dragged her into this. I should of said NO!" I started to raise my voice.

Haz saw that I needed space so he left my office. Once I heard the door click shut the tears streamed out. I knew that Haz was hurting too but it's hurting me way more. I lost her.

2 weeks later....

I planed a funeral for Lizzy. I needed something to put my mind at ease. I had my guys pick up her body. I couldn't look at her. I couldn't face myself to see her in that state.


I watched as the coffin was lowered into the ground. Black shades covering my eyes so no one can see my bloodshot eyes. Moments passed my men and others started to leave. Leaving me and Haz at the foot of her headstone.

Elizabeth Hastings
Just know that I love you

I kneeled down at her headstone, grazed my fingers across it.

"I never got to tell her"

Haz stepped closer to me putting his hand on my shoulder.

"Tell her what?"

"That I was in love with her"

There was a moment of silence before Haz let out a sigh.

"Well she knows now"

After a few more moments of silence I nodded my head got up and started walking to the car. What's done is done. But I will always love Elizabeth Hastings.

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