Chapter 12......Tragic

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Lizzys POV:
"Haz I don't know"

"Come on Lizzy you need a night out"

He was right it's been almost 2 months since the ball. The last night I actually had out.


"YESSSS!" Haz jumps out of his chair throwing his hands up in victory. I just laughed at him shaking my head slumped back on my couch.

"Ok wear something sexy alright"

"Hey!" I slapped his leg "but yeah alright"

Haz watched a movie with me before he had to go get ready himself. I jumped in the shower letting the hot water run against my skin. I'm pretty sure i spent about an hour in the shower just standing there.

I had this really nice 3 piece black tight dress. Lightly curling my blonde hair and doing a wing eyeliner just to bring out my eyes. Cause why not. I slipped on my black heals grabbed my bag and went out to the living room waiting for Haz to come pick me up.

Toms POV:8:00pmShe was sitting right next to me

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Toms POV:
She was sitting right next to me. She look undeniably sexy but that's besides the point. It's been over like 2 months since we have had a normal conversation. Since it happened. I'm not the kinda guy to fall for a girl, but I'm inlove with her. So I chose to act like I hate her then show that I love her. For both our sakes.

"Here are six shots...whosss ready to PARTYYYY!!" Haz screams coming too our booth with with six shots clearly already had like 2 before he came back.

"Hand em here, I need them more then you" says the gorgeous blonde to my left.

Haz sits on the other side of her and they both down their two shots along with me.

I was just sitting slightly tipsy watching Lizzy dance with Haz. I know there isn't anything going on between the two but I am jelous. I didn't even realise it until Lizzy gave me a dirty and walked off the dance floor that I was staring at her.

I look to Haz and he motions for me to go fix it. I hesitated for about 30 seconds before getting off my ass. Fuck it. I want her. I need her. I'm going to fucking fix this.

Lizzys POV:
I was dancing with Haz having the time of my life when.... "are you fucking kidding me"


The nerve on this jerk. He knows it's rude to stare. Not only did it make me uncomfortable but it made me mad. I get that he is a jerk but he has no right to stare at me that coldly. I've done nothing to him.

"I need some air but first I need to pee"

"Everything alright"

"I don't know ask your mate who can't seem to chill the fuck out"

With that I walk off. Making my way around the corner to a darkish hallway I felt two hands spin me and push me against the wall. Tom. That fucker.

"What the fuck! Get your hands off me" I push his hands off me but he puts them against the wall so I'm trapped. I'd admit I'm not the most sober at the moment and he was kinda turning me on. But that's beside the point. He was pissing  me off more.

"Listen to me Lizzy, you need to let me explain for why I've been treating you like shit."

"I don't have time for your pathetic excuses Tom. I did nothing to you. Your just a jerk."

"Yes I know that but there is an actual reason."

Before I could reply my phone started ringing. Lifesaver. But I didn't recognise the number.


"Hello yes is this Elizabeth Hastings?"

A woman spoke through the phone. She seemed like she had something going on or bad news. This wasn't my lifesaver.


"Hi I'm Dr.Johnson from Lake Macquarie Private Hospital Australia, I'm just calling to inform you that your parents and sister have been in an accident"

"What kind of accident" my eyes started to swell up with water. Everything became a bit dizzy, the heat of my body increased, becoming hard to breathe.

"They were shot. I'm sorry Miss Hastings. They have passed."

The phone slipped through my hand. Smashed on the floor. I start to shake. Trembling, frozen. Until I needed air.

"Lizzy!, Lizzy what happened?"

I hear Toms voice echo through my ears. But I couldn't focus. I pushed past him and ran towards the exit. Tears falling from my eyes. My heart rate rapidly increasing.

I make my way outside and slide down a brick wall in an alleyway. Crying all the way down. I couldn't hold it in anymore. I brought my knees up to my chest, hugging them with my arms with my face buried in my knees.

I pushed my head against the brick wall heavily sobbing.

"Wha- how- wh-o" is all I could get out.

Toms POV:
She just ran out. I don't know who called her but it made her upset. So I picked up her phone and put it to me ear.

"Hello? Miss are you still there"

"This is her friend speaking, what did you tell her to make her so upset."

"I can't tell you that sir."

"Tell me for gods sake! I can't help her if I don't know what's going on!" I was made. No. Furious.

"Her parents and sister have passed from a gunshot to the head"

With that I hung up the phone. I was going to find Harrison.


"Mateee you joined me. Did you fix it with Lizzy?"

"Haz her parents and sister have been shot. The BLODDY hospital just called her and now she is gone."

This brought attention to Hazs face.

"Mate you should of gone after her not come to me. We need to find her."

I asked no questions just raced outside the club. Looked down every street, alleyway but nothing. So we took a cab to her appartment. But she wasn't there either. Where the fuck was she?!

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