Chapter 11......Catch up

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Lizzy's POV:
It's been about 2 weeks since Tom and I talked last. I see him a lot especially being his assistant but we haven't had a normal conversation. It's just been about work.

Sitting in my office I was brought out of my thinking by the phone ringing. 

"You have reached Holland Enterprises, Elizabeth speaking"

"Hi I'm calling for Mr.Tom Holland,"

A woman's voice came through the phone. She sounded young.

"May I ask what about"

"He left his tie and jacket at my house last night I was wondering if he would want to pick it up or I can drop it off later."

"Name please"

"Tammy Jones"

"I'll put you through just hold on a second please."

With that I switched lines and called Toms office phone.

"Tom Holland speaking"

"Yes Mr Holland, A woman named Tammy Jones has called for you"

Toms POV:
As soon as I heard Lizzy say her name my heart sunk. Why was Tammy calling. She is about to be causing more problems for me.

"Yes what about"

"You left some of your belongings over at hers she wants to discuss how you will be retrieving them"

She sounded so professional about it. I mean it's better then hearing 'your one night stand wants to come and call bragging that the Tom Holland slept with her and was stupid enough to leave some of his shit at her house' fuck me I was stupid though.

"Right put her through"

I was expecting to hear at least one more thing from her but instead it was Tammys voice.

Tammy came by and drop some of my stuff off I was relieved that I didn't see Lizzy at all so hoping that she didn't see Tammy.

I walk out of my office towards Lizzy's because I just feel like I need to talk to her it's been two bloody weeks and none of us have spoken a normal conversation between each other.

Arriving at her door I knock on it lightly, no response so I open it. Me being the boss I can do that but there's nothing no one it's empty.
She's already left. Maybe next time.

Shall we meet again (Tom Holland X Elizabeth Hastings)Where stories live. Discover now