Chapter 21.....We have done this before

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Lizzys POV:
After the recent incidents, I've grown bored. I've been here for the past 5 months and I'm bored. So I decide to go for a little exploring. Not knowing where I'm going I managed to find the training area.

It was massive. A big open space with gym equipment surrounding the sides. At the back there are double doors that lead out to a fighting ring. Oh how I would put someone on their ass in there.

I made my way back out to the open space seeing a speaker sitting on the bench already hooked up to a phone. May as well do some training while I'm down here. Scrolling through the music I needed a song. I love training to music it gets me in the zone and focused.

Oddly enough my fingers hovered over the song Traitor by Olivia Rodregos. Hesitantly I pressed play. Moving away from the phone o stepped over to the punching bag wrapping my hands.

Hit after hit after hit. My breathing started to pick up. My mind became clouded. Every muscle in my body started to hurt. Fuck! It's happening again.


It was getting to the end of the song when the part "guess you didn't cheat but you're still a traitor" right before the beat drops I feel a hand wrap around my waist the other holding my hand continuing to dance with me, "god, I wish you that you had thought this through before I went and fell Inlove with you" the song continues but I'm just shocked by who is holding my right now.

He connected his hand to my waist, gripping my other hand guiding my body with the music and the dance.

I was confused so he spun me around and pulling out all the moves with our hands still joined. I let out multiple giggles coming from my mouth which made him smile.

The song ended and our faces were inches apart.

He kissed me. And I didn't pull back. It was interesting at first but then I don't even know but it felt right. And I didn't want it to stop. But he pulled back.

So I pulled him back in.

Flashback over...

When I opened my eyes I found myself on the ground, my legs curled under my knees my hands through my hair. What the hell is happening to me.

After what happened in the gym I stayed in my room. Every time I walk these halls I feel like I know where I'm going. This place is like a maze but I already have the map In my mind.

Knock knock knock

"Come in"

A beautiful blonde boy comes from behind the door closing it as he enters.

"And what do I owe this pleasure"

"I see you still have your sarcasm, but there is a ball and I want you to come."

"A ball. What is this the 1850's"

"Ha ha very funny but no. It's for the mafia. You should know that. But Tom dosnt want you to come."

"Why not"

"He thinks it's too dangerous for you to be around all the mobs."

"He does know that in a highly trained assassin right?"

Haz and I both laugh before he returns to all seriousness.

"Yeah he does it's just a bit more common then that. But once we leave a car will come pick you up and take you there"

"As much as I would love to go what about a dress and shoes"

"And mask"

"WHAT! This is a masquerade ball"
I shot up from the bed I was sitting on throwing my hands in the air. I mean I literally have nothing to wear.

Shall we meet again (Tom Holland X Elizabeth Hastings)Where stories live. Discover now