Chapter 3......Oppitunities

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3 moths later....

Haz and I hangout a lot and I also hang out with his friends. Haz told me he was part of a mob and if I'm gonna be honest I think it's kinda cool...and hot. He was surprised but happy of my reaction. Although Tom wasn't very happy. Him and I are not on the best of terms he is kinda of a dick.

Anyway my job is going good although I want to do more in my life. For the past week I have been ignoring everyone and haven't left my apartment unless it was for work.

Knock knock knock

"Lizzy let me in or I'll break this door down"

Ughhh. I move myself off the couch towards the front door.

"What a nice surprise Haz what can I do for you"

"why have you been ignoring me"

"I'm not, I'm just distant"

"Yea exactly why is that"

I slump back onto the couch and Haz joins me. I can tell him The truth so I don't hold back.

"I love working at the cafe don't get me wrong but I want something more. I moved here for a fresh start and don't get me wrong I love me life at the moment.... But I just need more" I sigh in relief that felt so good to get off my chest.

"I can give you a job"

I was stunned by Haz's words... he is offering me a job?
"You don't need to give me offers out of sympathy, I can figure it out"

"No Lizzy, I actually have been thinking about this for a while now. We need a new assistant at the building and you would be perfect. You already know about the business and you have met the boys so you would fit right in"

"You know what yeah I'm going to do it. I want to see how this goes."

"Perfect well you can start next Monday give you some time, and I'll come pick you up cause I know you don't have a car"

"Thank you Haz this means a lot really." I give a big hug and a small smile before we talked some more and then he left.

Shall we meet again (Tom Holland X Elizabeth Hastings)Where stories live. Discover now