Chapter 10......The ball

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Lizzy POV:
The limo comes to a stop. I look out the window and see probably the biggest house I have ever seen. Almost a castle. Not quite tho.  Haz got out first. Then Tom. Next was me. One foot out and a hand was gestured in front of me. I look up to see no other then Tom Bloody Holland.

Because I'm his date I have to take his hand and put on a show. So that's exactly what I did. I slipped my hand into his and he escorted me into the massive ass house.

Toms POV:
Sitting down at our table I was greeted by my family. Haz and I took our seats on either side of Lizzy. Can't trust no one here.

It's time. I've been not looking forward to this moment.

"Tom, son it's time. Nikki my dear"

My dad reaches his arm to my mum escorting her to the dance floor. I turn my head to Lizzy and whisper in her ear.

"It's time love"

Lizzy's POV:
Chills. Literal chills down my spine feeling his breath against my ear. I took his hand and followed him towards the dancing area.

His hand smoothly glides around my waist pulling me closer to him. I rest my hand around his neck refusing to look him in the eye.

The music starts.

We start dancing. Dancing like we were yesterday. It feels almost exactly the same. Next thing I know is I feel his warm breath up against my ear.

"If it wasn't obvious you look stunning darling"

He pulls back his head and I look him in the eyes. Right then and there I wanted to tell him I was inlove with him but I couldn't bring myself to do it. I don't do love. I don't do relationships. More importantly.

I don't do heartbreak.

"Thank you. You clean up nicely yourself."

That's all I could say to him. I was still hurt. But I knew he could be forgiven. I just didn't think it was the right time yet.

The night carried on and I made my way to the bar. Lord knows I need a stronger drink then wine.

"Well don't you just look gorgeous"

It was an unfamiliar voice. I turned my head to see a very attractive man. He seemed in his late 20s, but hey I'm of age. So the flirting begins.

"Thank you sir. Your very handsome yourself may I say."

He shoots me a warm smile and we continue talking for about half an hour. His name is Nathan. And apparently apart of the Russian Mob. More or so the head of it.

From the corner of my eye I notice Tom. Staring us down. Like if you made eye contact with him you neck snapped automatically. A look that could kill. Not gonna lie it was very hot but it just goes to show how stubborn this man is.

Slipping off the Dress it falls from my figure so elegantly. They boys offered for me to stay at Toms house with them but I refused. I just needed the night to myself. And I got what I wanted.

Shall we meet again (Tom Holland X Elizabeth Hastings)Where stories live. Discover now