Chapter 19......Awakening

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Lizzys POV:
I feel like shit. My eyes feel to heavy to open and it feels like everything in my body is paralysed. It takes me a few minutes before I can finally open my eyes taking in my surroundings. I was in what looks like a hospital room but I know I'm not in a hospital.

The doors in front of me open taking me away from my thoughts.

"You're awake darling"

"God you again" I groan. I have no fucking clue who he is. Why am I even here. How did I get here.

"What happened to you"

I brought my gaze back to his brown eyes. He seemed sincere. Like he actually new me. Who was he.

"Who are you"

His smile faded immediately after I asked him. Like it was painful too him.

"Tom, Tom Holland."

"As in the London Mob Leader"

"So you do know me"

"No. I know of you"




"When can I leave"

"Well I guess when the rebuild your building"

"Wha-" then I remembered.

The building. The fire. The man. I recognised him. His voice. He worked for Nathan. I knew everyone that worked for Nathan. But why. Nathan wouldn't do that too me. But his men wouldn't do anything unless it was under his command. So Nathan had to be responsible for this.

Once again I was taken out of my thoughts by the sound of Toms voice.

"So I guess you will have to stay here for the time being"



Did he not hear me properly or something. I'm not gonna repeat my self if that's what he is looking for.


"I don't know I was expecting more a fight"

"Well what do you expect. I have no place to live. The one person I thought wouldn't turn on me I think is. And you."


"You seem to be the only person at the moment that actually cares about me and I don't know why but you are"

"Well then ok. I'll have a room set up for you."

He turns to leave before I take a deep breath letting out a long sigh.

"Thank you"

He stopped. Not looking back towards me before briefly slipping a your welcome and continuing to leave the room. What has happened to my life.

Shall we meet again (Tom Holland X Elizabeth Hastings)Where stories live. Discover now