Chapter 24......Nathan

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Toms POV:
"What did you find"

"He hasn't left London yet. But I'm coming to the conclusion that he won't be leaving any time soon."

"And why is that?" I was genuinely confused. God why does this guy have to cause such a big problem in my life.

"I think he wants to terminate Elizabeth"

My eyes grew wide open. Of course that fucker wants to kill her. She was literally a failed experiment. To him of course.

"Ok well then I need you to find out everything we have on him including the last place he has been seen at."

"Yes boss"

I watched him as he turned and left. Hopefully he gets what I want. I don't want this to take an longer then it should.

Knock knock knock

Who is it now. I'm too stressed to be dealing with anyone else's bullshit.

"Come in"

I lean back in my chair, crossing my arms over my chest staring down the door. The door opens revealing an angel. My angel.

"Sorry am I interrupting anything"

"No no darling you're all good, what do you need"

She walks in with her blonde hair in a messy bun and some fly aways just draping over her forehead. Her body covered by her black silk button up pyjama shirt and matching shorts. No makeup just her beautiful self.

"I was wondering if we could talk"

"Sure angel about what"

She said I love you to me. So this isn't her telling me what we did was a mistake. God I hope not. Not again.

"I want to come with you when you find Nathan. I want to be the one to kill him."

Oh thank god....WAIT WHAT.

"I don't really think that's a good idea"

I lean forward resting my arms on my desk in front of me as I watch Lizzy take a seat I front of me. I would have of preferred her on my lap but her choice.

"Tom you have to let me do this. I need this closure. He has fucked up my life and I've always played fire with fire. He just made the mistake of creating a fire around himself we won't be able to put out."

God she amazes me sometimes.

"Fine. But I will be with you, by your side through it all."

"I wouldn't have it any other way" she flashes me that gorgeous smile of hers.

Lizzy gets up from her seat walking towards the door. She's not getting away that fast. I push my self from my seat and push the door closed as she opens it.

"Tom" she turns her head to look at me, hand still gripped on the door handle.


"Not letting me go are we"

"No I will you just left without giving me something"

She lets go of the handle and turns her whole body to me running her hands up my chest and around my neck.

"Oh yeah and what's that."

I snake my arms around her waist pulling her in close. Gently connecting our lips leading it to be a passionate kiss before letting her go.

"I'll remember not to forget about that next time"

She leans in for another kiss before she removes her hands from my neck and leaves my office.

Shall we meet again (Tom Holland X Elizabeth Hastings)Where stories live. Discover now